This module enables inspecting the running VM and controlling some runtime options.


Return info about the running Virtual Machine. The result is a tuple with 9 elements:

  • Virtual Machine unique identifier (string)
  • Target device (string)
  • Virtual Machine version (string)
  • The RAM address where C memory starts
  • The Unix timestamp at which the bytecode was compiled
  • A 32bit integer customizable at compilation time (not yet supported, set at zero)
  • The bytecode version
  • The bytecode options (not yet supported, set at 0)
  • The bytecode size
set_option(opt, value)

Set the VM Option opt to value. The following constants are avaiable for opt:

  • VM_OPT_RESET_ON_EXCEPTION : if value is 0, uncaught Python exception do not cause a microcontroller reset
  • VM_OPT_TRACE_ON_EXCEPTION : if value is 0, uncaught Python exception are not printed to console
  • VM_OPT_RESET_ON_HARDFAULT : if value is 0, microcontroller Hard Fault do not cause a microcontroller reset
  • VM_OPT_TRACE_ON_HARDFAULT : if value is 0, microcontroller Hard Fault dumps are not printed to console

The functionalities for Hard Fault are not consistent across different microcontrollers due to different behaviours/capabilities of the underlying SDK.


Retrieve the value of opt. Refer to set_option() for a description of opt.

encrypt(bin, nonce=0)

Return an encrypted copy of bin. The encrypted data is secured with a key which is unique per device and can only be decrypted by the same device that performed the encryption. To increase the key space, an integer nonce can be given that must be passed also for decryption.

Raise ValueError if len(bin)<8

decrypt(bin, nonce=0)

Return a decrypted copy of bin. To increase the key space, an integer nonce can be given that must be the same one given for encryption.

Raise ValueError if len(bin)<8