Software Timers

This module contain the timer to handle time and timed events


Return the number of milliseconds since the start of the program.

class timer

Creates a new timer.

one_shot(delay, fun, arg=None)

Activates the timer in one shot mode. Function fun(arg) is executed only once after delay milliseconds.

interval(period, fun, arg=None)

Activates the timer in interval mode. Function fun(arg) is executed every period milliseconds.


Disable the timer.


Disable the timer and kills it.


Start the timer. A started timer begins counting the number of passing milliseconds. Such number can be read by calling timer.get().


Reset the timer. A reset timer restarts counting the number of passing milliseconds from zero.

Returns the number of milliseconds passed since the start or the last reset.


Return the number of milliseconds passed since the start or the last reset.