This module loads the Controller Area Network (CAN) driver.

A Controller Area Network (CAN bus) is a robust vehicle bus standard designed to allow microcontrollers and devices to communicate with each other’s applications without a host computer. It is a message-based protocol, designed originally for multiplex electrical wiring within automobiles to save on copper, but can also be used in many other contexts. For each device the data in a frame is transmitted sequentially but in such a way that if more than one device transmits at the same time the highest priority device is able to continue while the others back off. Frames are received by all devices, including by the transmitting device.

The Can class

class Can(drvname, baud, options=0, sample_point=75.0, prop=0, phase1=0, phase2=0, sjw=1)

This class implements CAN controller functionalities.

Can is initialized by passing the driver name drvname, in the form of CAN0, CAN1, etc... depending on the board capabilities. Refer to the board pinout to locate the actual pins belonging to the driver.

The bus speed must be also specified in the baud argument. Optional timing parameters can specify either the bit sample point sample_point, as a percentage of the bit time, or standard CAN parameters as propagation segment prop, phase segment 1 phase1 and phase segment 2 phase2.

When the sample point is used, the bit timing arguments must be zero and they are calculated automatically. The synchronization jump width sjw can be specified in any case.

  • drvname – peripheral driver identifier (one of CAN0, CAN1, etc...)
  • baud – bus speed, in bits per second (up to 1000000)
  • sample_point – bit sample point, in percent (0 to 100.0)
  • prop – propagation segment, in time quanta (1 to 8)
  • phase1 – phase segment 1, in time quanta (1 to 8)
  • phase2 – phase segment 2, in time quanta (1 to 8)
  • sjw – synchronization jump width, in time quanta (1 to 4)
  • options

    a combination of the following option flags:

    • OPTION_NO_RETRY to prevent automatic retransmission (one-shot mode)
    • OPTION_NO_AUTO_OFF to prevent automatic recovery from Bus-Off errors
    • OPTION_KEEP_ORDER to maintain the chronological order of messages
    • OPTION_LISTEN_ONLY to silently listen to the bus (Ack is sent internally), receive-only mode, no transmission possible
    • OPTION_LOOPBACK to activate internal loopback test mode (can be combined with listen-only)
add_filter(id, mask)

Add a message acceptance filter for this CAN controller. A received message is accepted if:

(received_id ^ id) & mask == 0

The returned value is a number that uniquely identifies the filter and can be used to remove the filter at a later time.

  • id – contains the message identifier (11-bit for standard frames, 29-bit for extended frames), plus the ID Extension (IDE) flag FRAME_EXT_FLAG and the Remote Transmission Request (RTR) flag FRAME_RTR_FLAG.
  • mask – is a bit mask where each bit is 1 if the received message id must match the corresponding bit in the message id or 0 if the corresponding bit in the message id is ignored. To match a single id you can use FRAME_STD_MASK for standard frames or FRAME_EXT_MASK combined with FRAME_EXT_FLAG for extended frames.

the index of the filter added.


Remove a previously added message acceptance filter.

Parameters:filter – the index of the filter to remove.
transmit(id, dlc, data=None, timeout=-1)

Send a message to the CAN bus output mailboxes.

  • id – contains the message identifier (11-bit for standard frames, 29-bit for extended frames), plus the ID Extension (IDE) flag FRAME_EXT_FLAG and the Remote Transmission Request (RTR) flag FRAME_RTR_FLAG.
  • dlc – is the Data Length Code (DLC) used in a Data Frame or a Remote Frame. For Data Frames it is the number of data bytes included in the message.
  • data – is a byte array that contains the message data (up to 8 bytes for classic CAN), not used for Remote Frames (RTR bit set).
  • timeout – the maximum time to wait for queuing the message or -1 to wait indefinitely
receive(data=None, timeout=-1)

Receive a message from the CAN bus input mailboxes.

If a data bytearray is provided it is used to store received data, otherwise a new buffer is created.

  • data – a bytes or bytearray object to receive message data or None
  • timeout – the maximum time to wait for a message or -1 to wait indefinitely

a tuple of the form (id,dlc,data), where:

  • id contains the message identifier (11-bit for standard frames, 29-bit for extended frames), plus the ID Extension (IDE) flag FRAME_EXT_FLAG and the Remote Transmission Request (RTR) flag FRAME_RTR_FLAG.
  • dlc is the Data Length Code (DLC) used in a Data Frame or a Remote Frame. For Data Frames it is the number of data bytes included in the message.
  • data is a byte array that contains the message data (up to 8 bytes for classic CAN), not used for Remote Frames (RTR bit set).


Get the accumulated error information.

Returns:a tuple of the form (flags,rx_count,tx_count), where:
  • flags contains the error flags, a combinations of:
    • ERROR_WARNING in Error-Active mode, when the error counter is over the warning threshold (usually >= 96)
    • ERROR_PASSIVE in Error-Passive mode (error counter >= 128)
    • ERROR_BUSOFF in Bus-Off mode (error counter > 255)
    • ERROR_STUFF if Bit-Stuffing errors have been detected (more than 5 bits at the same level)
    • ERROR_FORM if Form errors have been detected (Dominant bits detected during Recessive spaces)
    • ERROR_ACK if no Ack bit is detected for a transmitted message
    • ERROR_RECESSIVE if error detected when trasmitting Recessive bits
    • ERROR_DOMINANT if error detected when trasmitting Dominant bits
    • ERROR_CRC if CRC mismatch have been detected
    • ERROR_RX_OVERRUN if the receive queue is full when receiving a new message
    • ERROR_TX_ARBLOST if transmitted message lost abitration due to higher priority message on the bus
    • ERROR_TX_ERROR if some error has been detected during transmission
  • rx_count is the current value of the Receive error counter.
  • tx_count is the current value of the Transmit error counter.

Abort any pending receive() calls, that will raise a TimeoutError, and prevent further messages to be received, raising ConnectionAbortedError, until resumed.


Abort any pending transmit() calls, that will raise a TimeoutError, and prevent further messages to be transmitted, raising ConnectionAbortedError, until resumed.


Resume receiving messages from the bus.


Resume transmitting messages to the bus.


Close this CAN driver instance and release used resources. Any pending function call or subsequent calls will raise an IOError exception.