OC03 Module

This is a Module for the OC03 Relay Out Low Voltage. The board is based off the PCA9554A I/O expander manufactured by Texas Instruments. The Module implements the PCA9554A to drive a solid state relay utilizing the OC03 xChip. The board uses I2C for communication.

Data Sheets:

OC03 class

class OC03(self, drvname, addr = PCA9554A_I2C_ADDRESS, clk = 100000)

Create an instance of the OC03 class.

  • drvname – I2C Bus used ‘( I2C0, ... )’
  • addr – Slave address, default 0x38
  • clk – Clock speed, default 100kHz
init(self, pins = PCA9554A_ALL_OUTPUTS_OFF)

Configures PCA9554A and sets all outputs False by default

Parameters:pins – initializes the relay state. Accepts True (relay closed) and False (relay open)
writePin(self, state)

Determines the status of the relay output

Parameters:state – accepts True (relay closed) and False (relay open)

Reads the status of the relay.

returns the status of the relay.