Zerynth Device Manager Client

Zerynth Device Manager can be used for orchestrating both MCU (micro-controller) and CPU (micro-processor) based devices. If you want to connect a MCU device like a RapsberryPI, a SBC (Single Board Computer) a PC and any Python application general, the ZDM Client Python Library is what you need.

ZDM Client Python

The Zerynth ZDM Client is a Python implementation of a client of the ZDM. It can be used to emulate a Zerynth device and connect it to the ZDM.

The ZDMClient class

class ZDMClient(device_id, jobs=None, endpoint=ENDPOINT, verbose=False)

Creates a ZDM client instance with device id device_id. All other parameters are optional and have default values.

  • device_id is the id of the device.
  • jobs is the dictionary that defines the device’s available jobs (default None).
  • endpoint is the url of the ZDM broker (default rmq.zdm.zerynth.com).
  • verbose boolean flag for verbose output (default False).

Return the device id.


Connect your device to the ZDM. You must set device’s password first. It also enable your device to receive incoming messages.


Set the device password to pw. You can generate a password using the ZDM, creating a key for your device

publish_data(tag, payload)

Publish a message to the ZDM.

  • tag, is a label for the device’s data into your workspace. More than one device can publish message to the same tag
  • payload is the message payload, represented by a dictionary