Lightweight MQTT Library

This module contains an implementation of an MQTT client based on the paho-project embedded c client. It aims to be less memory consuming than the pure Python one.

The Client allows to connect to a broker (both via insecure and TLS channels) and start publishing messages/subscribing to topics with a simple interface.

Python callbacks can be easily set to handle incoming messages.

Reconnection can be manually handled by the user by means of several callbacks and methods (reconnect(), connected(), loop_failure)

Client class

class Client(client_id, clean_session=True, cycle_timeout=500, command_timeout=60000)
  • client_id – unique ID of the MQTT Client (multiple clients connecting to the same broken with the same ID are not allowed), can be an empty string with clean_session set to true.
  • clean_session – when True requests the broker to assign a clean state to connecting client without remembering previous subscriptions or other configurations.
  • cycle_timeout – maximum time to wait for received messages on every loop cycle (in milliseconds)
  • command_timeout – maximum time to wait for protocol commands to be acknowledged (in milliseconds)

Instantiates the MQTT Client.

connect(host, keepalive, port=1883, ssl_ctx=None, breconnect_cb=None, aconnect_cb=None, loop_failure=None, start_loop=True)
  • host – hostname or IP address of the remote broker.
  • port – network port of the server host to connect to, defaults to 1883.
  • keepalive – maximum period in seconds between communications with the broker. If no other messages are being exchanged, this controls the rate at which the client will send ping messages to the broker.
  • ssl_ctx – optional ssl context (Zerynth SSL module) for secure mqtt channels.
  • breconnect_cb – optional callback with actions to be performed when reconnect() is called. The callback function will be called passing mqtt client instance.
  • aconnect_cb – optional callback with actions to be performed after the client successfully connects. The callback function will be called passing mqtt client instance.
  • loop_failure – optional callback with actions to be performed on failures happening during the MQTT read cycle. The user should try to implement client reconnection logic here. By default, or if loop_failure callback returns mqtt.BREAK_LOOP, the read loop is terminated on failures. loop_failure callback must return mqtt.RECOVERED to keep the MQTT read cycle alive.
  • start_loop

    if True starts the MQTT read cycle after connection.

    Connects to a remote broker and start the MQTT reception thread.


Get the return code of the last connection attempt.


Tries to connect again with previously set connection parameters.

If breconnect_cb was passed to connect(), breconnect_cb is executed first.

Return the return code of the connection


Returns True if client is connected, False otherwise.


Starts MQTT background loop to handle incoming packets.

Already called by connect() if start_loop is True.

set_username_pw(username, password='')
  • username – connection username.
  • password – connection password.

Sets connection username and password.

set_will(topic, payload, qos=0, retain=True)
  • topic – last will topic.
  • payload – last will payload.
  • qos – last will qos value.
  • retain – last will retain flag.

Set client last will and testament.

publish(topic, payload='', qos=0, retain=False)
  • topic – topic the message should be published on.
  • payload – actual message to send. If not given a zero length message will be used.
  • qos – is the quality of service level to use.
  • retain – if set to true, the message will be set as the “last known good”/retained message for the topic.

Publishes a message on a topic.

This causes a message to be sent to the broker and subsequently from the broker to any clients subscribing to matching topics.

subscribe(topic, function, qos=0)
  • topic – topic to subscribe to.
  • function – callback to be executed when a message published on chosen topic is received.
  • qos – quality of service for the subscription.

Subscribes to a topic and set a callback for processing messages published on it.

The callback function is called passing three parameters: the MQTT client object, the payload of received message and the actual topic:

def my_callback(mqtt_client, payload, topic):
    # do something with client, payload and topic

Unsubscribes the client from one topic.

Parameters:topic – is the string representing the subscribed topic to unsubscribe from.

Sends a disconnect message, optionally waiting for the loop to exit.

Parameters:timeout – is the maximum time to wait (in milliseconds).