WolkAbout IoT Platform Library

WolkAbout Python Connector library for connecting Zerynth devices to WolkAbout IoT Platform. The Wolk class depends upon interfaces, making it possible to provide different implementations. The section Dependencies contains the documentation of the default implementations, followed by the Wolk section that contains everything necessary to connect and publish data to the WolkAbout IoT Platform. ============ Dependencies ============

The following classes are implementations of interfaces on which the Wolk class depends.

MQTT Connectivity Service

class MQTTConnectivityService(ConnectivityService)

Provide connection to WolkAbout IoT Platform via MQTT.

  • device: Contains device key, device password and actuator references
  • host: Address of the WolkAbout IoT Platform instance
  • port: Port of WolkAbout IoT Platform instance
  • qos: Quality of Service for MQTT connection (0,1,2), defaults to 0

Set the callback method to handle inbound messages.

  • on_inbound_message: The method that handles inbound messages
on_mqtt_message(client, data)

Method that serializes inbound messages and passes them to the inbound message listener

  • client: The client that received the message
  • data: The message received

This method establishes the connection to the WolkAbout IoT platform. If there are actuators it will subscribe to topics that will contain actuator commands and also starts a loop to handle inbound messages. Raises an exception if the connection failed. .. method:: disconnect()

Disconnects the device from the WolkAbout IoT Platform


Returns the current status of the connection


Publishes the outbound_message to the WolkAbout IoT Platform

Outbound Message Queue

class ZerynthOutboundMessageQueue(OutboundMessageQueue.OutboundMessageQueue)

This class provides the means of storing messages before they are sent to the WolkAbout IoT Platform.

  • maxsize: Int - The maximum size of the queue, effectively limiting the number of messages to persist in memory

Adds the message to self.queue


Takes the first message from self.queue


Returns the first message from self.queue without removing it from the queue

Outbound Message Factory

class ZerynthOutboundMessageFactory(OutboundMessageFactory.OutboundMessageFactory)

This class serializes sensor readings, alarms and actuator statuses so that they can be properly sent to the WolkAbout IoT Platform

  • device_key - The key used to serialize messages

Serializes the reading to be sent to the WolkAbout IoT Platform

  • reading: Sensor reading to be serialized

Serializes the alarm to be sent to the WolkAbout IoT Platform

  • alarm: Alarm event to be serialized

Serializes the actuator to be sent to the WolkAbout IoT Platform

  • actuator: Actuator status to be serialized
make_from_configuration(self, configuration)

Serializes the device’s configuration to be sent to the platform

  • configuration: Configuration to be serialized

Inbound Message Factory

class ZerynthInboundMessageDeserializer(InboundMessageDeserializer.InboundMessageDeserializer)

This class deserializes messages that the device receives from the WolkAbout IoT Platform from the topics it is subscribed to.


Deserializes the message that was received from the WolkAbout IoT Platform

  • message: The message to be deserialized

Deserializes the message that was received from the WolkAbout IoT Platform

  • message The message to be deserialized

Wolk class

class Wolk

This class is a wrapper for the WolkCore class that passes the Zerynth compatible implementation of interfaces to the constructor

  • device: Contains device key and password, and actuator references
  • host: The address of the WolkAbout IoT Platform, defaults to the Demo instance
  • port: The port to which to send messages, defaults to 1883
  • actuation_handler: Implementation of the ActuationHandler interface
  • actuator_status_provider: Implementation of the ActuatorStatusProvider interface
  • outbound_message_queue: Implementation of the OutboundMessageQueue interface
  • configuration_handler: Implementation of the ConfigurationHandler interface
  • configuration_provider: Implementation of the ConfigurationProvider interface

Connects the device to the WolkAbout IoT Platform by calling the provided connectivity_service’s connect method


Disconnects the device from the WolkAbout IoT Platform by calling the provided connectivity_service’s disconnect method

add_sensor_reading(reference, value, timestamp=None)

Publish a sensor reading to the platform

  • reference: String - The reference of the sensor
  • value: Int, Float - The value of the sensor reading
  • timestamp: (optional) Unix timestamp - if not provided, platform will assign one upon reception
add_alarm(reference, active, timestamp=None)

Publish an alarm to the platform

  • reference: String - The reference of the alarm
  • active: Bool - Current state of the alarm
  • timestamp: (optional) Unix timestamp - if not provided, platform will assign one upon reception

Publishes all currently stored messages and current actuator statuses to the platform


Publish the current actuator status to the platform

  • reference: String - The reference of the actuator

Callback method to handle inbound messages


Pass this method to the implementation of ConnectivityService interface

  • message: The message received from the platform

Publishes the current device configuration to the platform


class Device

The Device class contains all the required information for connecting to the WolkAbout IoT Platform.

  • key - The device key obtained when creating the device on WolkAbout IoT platform
  • password - The device password obtained when creating the device on WolkAbout IoT platform
  • actuator_references - A list of actuator references defined in the device template on WolkAbout IoT Platform

Actuation Handler

class ActuationHandler

This interface must be implemented in order to execute actuation commands issued from WolkAbout IoT Platform.

handle_actuation(reference, value)

This method will try to set the actuator, identified by reference, to the value specified by WolkAbout IoT Platform

Actuator Status Provider

class ActuatorStatusProvider

This interface must be implemented in order to provide information about the current status of the actuator to the WolkAbout IoT Platform


This method will return the current actuator state and value, identified by reference, to the WolkAbout IoT Platform. The possible states are:


The method should return something like this:

return (iot.ACTUATOR_STATE_READY, value)

Configuration Handler

class ConfigurationHandler

This interface must be implemented in order to handle configuration commands issued from WolkAbout IoT Platform


This method should update device configuration with received configuration values.

  • configuration - Dictionary that containes reference:value pairs

Configuration Provider

class ConfigurationProvider

This interface must be implemented to provide information about the current configuration settings to the WolkAbout IoT Platform


Reads current device configuration and returns it as a dictionary with device configuration reference as the key, and device configuration value as the value.