ADS1015 Module

This module contains the Zerynth driver for Texas Instruments ADS101x precision Analog-to-Digital Converters with I2C interface (datasheet).


from texas.ads1015 import ADS1015


ads = ads1015.ADS1015(I2C0, addr = 0x49, clk=400000)

ads.set(ch = 4, pga = 1)
value1 = ads.get_raw_data()

ads.set(ch = 3, pga = 4)
value2 = ads.get_raw_data()

ADS1015 class

class ADS1015(i2cdrv, addr = 0x48, clk = 100000)

Creates an instance of the ADS1015 class. This class allows the control of all ADS1013, ADS1014, and ADS1015 devices.

  • i2cdrv – I2C Bus used ‘(I2C0, ...)’
  • addr – Slave address, default 0x48
  • clk – Clock speed, default 100 kHz
set(os = 0, ch = 4, pga = 2, mode = 0, sps = 4, cmode = 0, cpol = 0, clat = 0, cque = 3)

Sets the device’s configuration register.


  • os : sets the Operational Status od the device. It can only be written when in power-down state and has no effect when a conversion is ongoing, available values are:

    • 0 : No effect
    • 1 : Start a single conversion (when in power-down state)
  • ch : (ADS1015 only) Configure the input multiplexer.

    ch positive channel negative channel
    0 AIN0 AIN1
    1 AIN0 AIN3
    2 AIN1 AIN3
    3 AIN2 AIN3
    4 AIN0 GND
    5 AIN1 GND
    6 AIN2 GND
    7 AIN3 GND
  • pga : (ADS1014 and ADS1015 only) PGA Gain selection.

    pga Gain ADC full-scale range
    0 1/3 ± 6.144 V
    1 1/2 ± 4.096 V
    2 1 ± 2.048 V
    3 2 ± 1.024 V
    4 4 ± 0.512 V
    5 8 ± 0.256 V
    6 8 ± 0.256 V
    7 8 ± 0.256 V
  • mode : sets the device operating mode. Available values are:

    • 0 : Continuous-conversion mode.
    • 1 : Single-shot mode or power-down state
  • sps : Data rate setting.

    sps Samples per second
    0 128
    1 250
    2 490
    3 920
    4 1600
    5 2400
    6 3300
    7 3300
  • cmode : (ADS1014 and ADS1015 only) Comparator operating mode.

    • 0 : Traditional comparator.
    • 1 : Window comparator.
  • cpol : (ADS1014 and ADS1015 only) Set the polarity of the ALERT/RDY pin.

    • 0 : Active low.
    • 1 : Active high.
  • clat : (ADS1014 and ADS1015 only) Controls whether the ALERT/RDY pin latches.

    • 0 : Nonlatching comparator.
    • 1 : Latching comparator.
  • cque : (ADS1014 and ADS1015 only) Comparator queue and disable.

    cque effect
    0 Assert ALERT/RDY pin after one conversion exceeding the threshold
    1 Assert ALERT/RDY pin after two conversion exceeding the threshold
    2 Assert ALERT/RDY pin after four conversion exceeding the threshold
    3 Disable comparator and set ALERT/RDY pin to high-impedance
set_threshold(low, high)

Set the upper and lower threshold values used by the comparator. The comparator is implemented as a digital comparator; therefore, the valuese must be updated whenever the PGA settings are changed.

Available values for both low and high parameters are 12-bit signed intergers, from -2048 to 2047.


Return the conversion result as an 12-bit signed integer. A positive full-scale input produces an output of 2047, a negative full-scale input produces an output of -2048.