
The RN2483 is a fully-certified 433/868 MHz module based on wireless LoRa technology. The RN2483 utilizes a unique spread spectrum modulation within the Sub-GHz band to enable long range, low power, and high network capacity.

The module’s embedded LoRaWAN Class A protocol enables seamless connectivity to any LoRaWAN compliant network infrastructure, whether public or privately deployed. The module is specifically designed for ease of use, which shortens development time and speeds time to market. LoRa technology is ideal for battery-operated sensors and low power applications such as IoT, M2M, Smart City, Sensor networks, Industrial automation, and more.

The RN2483 is the first LoRa module to pass LoRa Alliance Certification testing. It is certified to the LoRaWAN 1.0 specification, ensuring that designers can quickly and easily integrate their end devices into any LoRaWAN network.

This Zerynth module currently supports over-the-air activation only to join a LoRaWAN network. Class A LoRaWAN devices, after correctly joining a network, are able to transmit a message up to 222 bytes and receive a response up to 230 bytes. during the subsequent downlink session. Sent messages can be confirmed (acknowledged) or unconfirmed; check your network policy to choose the proper transmit method.

rn2483Exception is defined.

Usage example:

import streams
from microchip.rn2483 import rn2483


rst = D16
# insert otaa credentials!!
appeui = ""
appkey = ""

if not rn2483.init(SERIAL1, appeui, appkey, rst):
    print("denied :(")
    raise Exception

print("sending first message, res:")

while True:
    print("ping, res:")
get_hweui(ser = None, rst = None)

Get device EUI. If you need to get the EUI before joining a network, it is possible to specify:

  • ser serial port used for board-to-module communication (ex. SERIAL1)
  • rst module reset pin

And call get_hweui() before init().


Get channel channel status: on if enabled, off otherwise.

get_duty_cycle(channel, raw = False)

Get channel channel duty cycle: returned by default as a percentage. As a raw value passing raw as True.


Get current automatic reply state (‘on’ or ‘off’). Automatic reply state is stored in ar global variable.


Set automatic reply to ‘on’ or ‘off’ state. Currently setting ar to ‘on’ does not have consequences on downlink session.


Set number of retransmissions to be used for an uplink confirmed packet, if no downlink acknoledgement is received from the server.

init(ser, appeui, appkey, rst)

Perform basic module configuration and try over-the-air activation. ser is the serial port used for board-to-module communication (ex. SERIAL1) appeui, appkey are needed for otaa rst is the module reset pin


Transmit an unconfirmed message. data is a string or a bytearray.

Return True if no data is available during downlink session, a tuple (True, resp_data), where resp_data is a bytearray, otherwise.


Transmit a confirmed message. data is a string or a bytearray.

Return True if no data is available during downlink session, a tuple (True, resp_data), where resp_data is a bytearray, otherwise.


Returns an integer between -128 and 127 representing the signal to noise ratio (SNR) for the last received packet.


Returns an integer between -3 and 15 representing the current power level settings used in operation.