
MCW1001A is a companion chip to the MRF24WB0 802.11 module. It provides simple socket based method of sending and receiving data from the MRF24WB0 802.11 module. The MCW1001A has an on-board TCP/IP stack and 802.11 connection manager to simplify the connection between a wireless network and the TCP/IP stack management. After the initial configuration is set, the MCW1001A can access the MRF24WB0 802.11 module to connect to a network and send/receive serial data over a simple UART interface from the Host controller.

This Zerynth module currently supports multiple concurrent udp and tcp sockets both in client and server mode. No select support is provided. For WIFI security, only WPA2 is currently supported.

Usage example:

import streams
from wireless import wifi
from microchip.mcw1001a import mcw1001a


# connect to a wifi network
    mcw1001a.init(SERIAL1,D16) # specify which serial port will be used and which RST pin

    print("Establishing Link...")"Network SSID",wifi.WIFI_WPA2,"Password")
except Exception as e: