The MAX7219 is a serial input/output common-cathode display drivers to interface microprocessors to 7-segment numeric LED displays of up to 8 digits, bar-graph displays, or 64 (8x8 Matrix) individual LEDs.

A convenient 4-wire serial interface connects to all common µCs. Individual digits may be addressed and updated without rewriting the entire display. The MAX7219 also allow the user to select code-B decoding or no-decode for each digit. More information at Maxim dedicated page

Technical Details

  • Supply Voltage (Vdd): from 4.0 V to 5.5 V
  • Operation Temperature (Top): from 0 °C to 70 °C
  • Operating Supply Current: 330 mA
  • Continue Power Dissipation (Ta 85 °C): ~1W
  • SPI interface

Here below, the Zerynth driver for the Maxim MAX729.