One Wire

This module implements the DS2482 functionalities for all models (100,101 and 800). It also implements a genric OneWire sensor class to be used by libraries dependent on DS2482

# The following example interfaces with a DS2482 to read
# DS1820 sensors values (temperature) present on the bus

from maxim.ds2482 import ds2482
from maxim.ds1820 import ds1820 #this module must be installed separately!
import streams


print("Init onewire")
# scan all the channels (for DS2482 model 800)
for ch in range(8):
        print("Scanning channel",ch)
        # set active channel
        # search all onewire peripherals on the channel
        res = ow.search_raw()
        for i,k in enumerate(res):
            # print the id of the sensor
            print(i,"-->", ds2482.b2s(k))
            # create a sensor instance, derived from OneWireSensor class
            ss = ds1820.DS1820(k,ow)
            # read the sensor
            tt =
        except Exception as e:
class DS2482(drvname, clock=100000, addr=0x18)

Creates a DS2482 instance using the MCU I2C circuitry drvname (one of I2C0, I2C1, ... check pinmap for details). The created instance is configured and ready to communicate. clock is configured by default in slow mode.

DS2482 inherits from i2c.I2C, therefore the method start() must be called to setup the I2C channel before using the OneWire bus.


Scan the OneWire bus and collect the 64-bit serial numbers of connected peripherals.

Return a set containing the serial numbers as byte sequences (bytes type)

Return a list of items created by calling sc(serial) for each discovered serial number on the OneWire bus.

Common usage is the following code that creates a list of OneWireSensor instances:

from dallas.onewire import sensors

res =
# ow is a started instance of DS2482 class
_init(drvname, addr, channel)

Initialize the DS2482 I2C bridge connected to drvname I2C peripheral (I2C0, I2C1, etc..) with address addr on channel channel. Raise exceptions if DS2482 can’t be initialized.


Scan the OneWire bus and collect the 64-bit serial numbers of connected peripherals.

Return a set containing the serial numbers as byte sequences (bytes type)


Convert serial given as a byte sequence into the string format. In the string format each byte of serial is converted to hexadecimal and separated by ”:”


Convert serial given in the string format to a byte sequence.

OneWireSensor class

class OneWireSensor(serial, owbus)

Create a OneWireSensor instance with serial set to serial. serial can be a string in the appropriate format or a byte sequence (both bytes or bytearray).

The first byte of the serial identifies the sensor family. If the family is not supported UnsupportedError is raised.

The following members are available:

  • serial: serial number as a byte sequence
  • typeid: the family number of the peripheral

If a OneWireSensor instance is converted to string, the result is the serial number in the string format.


Return a single reading from the sensor. The result value depends on the sensor family.

PeripheralError is raised if there is a problem in the OneWire bus.

InvalidHardwareStatusError is raised if a peripheral on the OneWire bus does not respond (e.g. it is disconnected)