Amazon Web Services Greengrass Library

The Zerynth AWS Greengrass Library contains helper functions for IoT devices to retrieve info about an AWS Greengrass Core.


to connect to an AWS Greengrass Core after info retrieval use Zerynth AWS IoT Core Library

The DiscoveryInfo class

class DiscoveryInfo(raw_info)

A DiscoveryInfo instance is returned by function.

It exposes the following attributes and methods:

  • DiscoveryInfo.raw dictionary containing raw discovery response.
  • DiscoveryInfo.CA()
  • DiscoveryInfo.connectivity()

Returns Greengrass Core CA Certificate if only one Server Certificate is returned by discover call. Raises GreengrassDiscoveryInfoException if more than one certificate is returned.


Returns a tuple (core_address, core_port) with Greengrass Core address and port if only one Core is returned by discover call. Raises GreengrassDiscoveryInfoException if more than one Core is returned.

Helper Functions

discover(endpoint, thingname, clicert, pkey, cacert=None)
param endpoint:AWS server where to retrieve Greengrass core info
param thingname:
 AWS IoT Core or AWS Greengrass Device name
param clicert:client certificate
param pkey:client private key

Discover info about own group Greengrass Core. Returns a DiscoveryInfo object.