Amazon Web Services

The integration between the Zerynth Toolchain and AWS command line tool allows to easily manage AWS resources while working on your embedded project.


The Zerynth Toolchain assumes AWS command line tool to be available and configured to handle AWS resources.

Since AWS Platform provides several services, this page wil report the documentation of each ztc-aws-integrated command in a proper section depending on referred AWS service:

AWS IoT Platform

AWS IoT is a managed cloud platform that lets connected devices easily and securely interact with cloud applications and other devices: AWS IoT platform. It is officially supported by Zerynth powered devices through a specific module.

Zerynth Toolchain and AWS IoT Platform integration provides a full device project workflow: from single Thing creation and testing to mass programming utilies for production environment.

Environment cleanup (both local and remote) is also possible through iot-cleanup command.

Create a generic AWS IoT Thing project from template

The command:

ztc aws thing-project-from-template project-name path

Creates a Zerynth project called project-name inside a newly created project-name folder placed at provided path.

The Zerynth project will be a clone of a template project capable of connecting to a wifi network and sending mqtt messages to the AWS IoT MQTT Broker, and made of the following files:

└── thing.conf.json

Where will contain device task logic, made independent of AWS IoT Thing specific names and references which will be placed inside thing.conf.json configuration file.

The command provides also useful options:

--aws-endpoint      endpoint-name
--aws-policy-name   policy-name

which allow to specify configuration parameters such as mqtt broker endpoint or devices policy, common to different Things, directly at project cloning time. These options simply set values inside thing.conf.json which can also be easily edited manually.

After customizing the code it will be necessary to generate an AWS IoT Thing to allow device authentication to AWS IoT Platform.

Bind AWS IoT Things to a Zerynth Project

The command:

ztc aws add-things project_path --things-base-name first_project_thing

will generate an AWS IoT Thing called first_project_thing_0 and download Thing private key and certificate inside Zerynth project folder placed at project_path. Private key and certificate among with a Thing specific thing.conf.json will be stored inside first_project_thing_0 folder under .aws_things_resources one placed at project top-level folder.

The newly created Thing will be set as the active one and its specific configuration will be placed inside top-level thing.conf.json and its key and certificate copied into private.pem.key and certificate.pem.crt files respectively.

The Project is now ready for compilation and uplink processes.

After testing the project on a single Thing it will be possible to add multiple things to the same project through:

ztc aws add-things project_path --things-number 10

creating 10 new Things with private keys and certificates with names from first_project_thing_1 to first_project_thing_10. Otherwise it will be possible to specify a new base name calling again the proper option:

ztc aws add-things project_path --things-number 10 --things-base-name production_thing

After creation it is needed to choose each time a single Thing for compilation and uplink.

A note on mass programming

The simple script



$ztc aws add-things project_path --things-number $things_number --thing-base-name production_thing
for thing_id in $(seq 0 $(expr $things_number - 1)); do
    $ztc aws set-active-thing project_path --thing-id $thing_id
    $ztc compile project_path target_device
    $ztc uplink target_device project_path/main.vbo

allows to scale a single Thing project to an arbitrary number of Things.

Cleanup project deleting bound AWS IoT Things

The command:

ztc aws iot-cleanup project_path

Deletes AWS IoT Things bound to Zerynth project placed at project_path and attached keys and certificates.


clean up process acts both locally and remotely

Initiate a FOTA update via AWS IoT Jobs

The command:

ztc aws iot-fota_start thing-name thing-firmware s3-bucket s3-role

Will perform the following operations:

  • Extract FOTA information from the thing-firmware file (created with the link command and -J option)
  • Upload the new firmware to the s3-bucket S3 bucket url (must start with s3://)
  • Create an AWS IoT Job for the specified thing-name.

The AWS IoT endpoint must be able to read from the S3 bucket so an S3 read role named s3-read-role must be assigned to the endpoint. Such role must be used in the creation of the Job and therefore its name must be passed to this command. The Thing will receive a pre-signed https S3 url to download the new firmware; such url will be valid for a duration of one hour. It is possible to increase or decrease the duration validity using the --duration followed by the number of seconds the link will remain valid.