
The Zerynth Linter permits to check Python code against some of the style conventions.

In z-linter command is present a --help option to show to the users a brief description of the related command and its syntax including arguments and option informations.

The command return several log messages grouped in 4 main levels (info, warning, error, fatal) to inform the users about the results of the operation. The action that can be executed on Zerynth Linter is:

  • pep8: to check Python script with pep8 style convention

Linter Command - pep8

This command is used to check a Python source code against Python Enhancement Proposals 8 (pep8) coding convention from the command line with this syntax:

Syntax:   ./ztc linter pep8 data --file --json
Example:  ./ztc linter pep8 --file --json
This command take as input the following arguments:
  • data (str) –> data to check in raw string format or in path file format (required)
  • file (bool) –> select data source: if true is from a file, else is from string (optional, default=False)
  • json (bool) –> flag for output format: if true is in json format (optional; default=False)
  • Missing required input data