Hardware Abstraction Layer

The Zerynth VM uses a common API to drive the underlying microcontroller peripherals. Such API is called VHAL and abstracts common peripherals operations so that peripheral access and management is identical across different microcontrollers.

Pin Mapping

The VHAL introduces a distinction between physical pins and virtual pins. Physical pins are the actual pins available on the board and are defined in the file port.c for every supported board. A physical pin usually maps to a microcontroller register and offset, needed to drive the pin.

A virtual pin is just a name which refers to a particular configuration of a physical pin.

Therefore different virtual pins can map to the same physical pin. For example, imagine a board where the first physical pin (P0) can be used as a general purpose input output (GPIO) or as the clock line (SCL) of the first instance of the I2C bus. Such physical pin is always controlled by same microcontroller register, but in the first case it is configured as a GPIO and the corresponding virtual pin name will be D0, while in the second case it is configured as I2C clock and the virtual pin name will be SCL0.

The internal representation of virtual pins is a 16 bit integer where the high byte represents the name of the peripheral (the “class” of the pin), while the low byte is the row number in the table of physical pins for that peripheral.

All these levels of indirection are hidden by the VHAL using macros to access the relevant information about pins. All VHAL functions requiring pin names expect virtual pin names.

The following scheme summarizes the available virtual pin info:

Pin Class Pin Offset Pin Value Pin Name
DIGITAL 0 0x0000 D0
DIGITAL 1 0x0001 D1
... ... ... ...
ANALOG 0 0x0100 A0
ANALOG 1 0x0101 A1
... ... ... ...
SPI 0 0x0200 MOSI0
SPI 1 0x0201 MISO0
SPI 2 0x0202 SCLK0
... ... ... ...
I2C 0 0x0300 SDA0
I2C 1 0x0301 SCL0
... ... ... ...
PWM 0 0x0400 PWM0
PWM 1 0x0401 PWM1
... ... ... ...
ICU 0 0x0500 ICU0
ICU 1 0x0501 ICU1
... ... ... ...
CAN 0 0x0600 CANRX0
CAN 1 0x0601 CANTX0
... ... ... ...
SER 0 0x0700 RX0
SER 1 0x0701 TX0
... ... ... ...
DAC 0 0x0800 DAC0
DAC 1 0x0801 DAC1
... ... ... ...
LED 0 0x0900 LED0
LED 1 0x0901 LED1
... ... ... ...
BTN 0 0x0A00 BTN0
BTN 1 0x0A01 BTN1

Where Pin Name is a C Macro corresponding to Pin Value. For each string in Pin Class there exists a C macro with PINCLASS_ prepended, corresponding to the high byte of Pin Value (i.e. PINCLASS_DIGITAL is 0x00, PINCLASS_ANALOG is 0x01, etc...).

For each pin class, there exists a table containing configuration data. Such data can be accessed by the following macros:


Returns a byte representing the index of the physical pin corresponding to vpin


Returns a byte representing the first byte of info about vpin


Returns a byte representing the second byte of info about vpin


Returns a byte representing the third byte of info about vpin

The meaning of the three bytes of info depends on the actual porting; usually they contain configuration values to correctly setup the peripheral.

Peripherals Mapping

Each microcontroller peripheral is mapped to a peripheral index in the board porting files. For each peripheral there exists a table mapping multiple peripheral instances of the same type to different indexes. The following example will clarify the mapping.

Imagine a microcontroller with four different USART peripherals named USART1 to USART4. In the board porting each USART is mapped to a peripheral index by creating such table:

Index Value
0 3
1 1
2 4
3 2

When a VHAL function is called, expecting a peripheral index for a serial peripheral, the table is used to map the passed index (e.g. 0) to the corresponding mcu peripheral (e.g. USART3). Each board porting defines this kind of tables for each supported peripheral.

The following macros can be used to query the peripheral tables:

GET_PERIPHERAL_ID(name, prph_idx)

Returns the microcontroller peripheral index given the name of the peripheral and the vhal index prph_idx. Referring to the previous table, prph_idx corresponds to values in the Index column, while the return value correspondes to the Value column. The parameter name is a string identifying the peripheral: “serial”, “spi”, “i2c”, “adc”, “pwm”, “icu”, “htm”.


Returns the number of microcontroller peripherals given the peripheral name.


A GPIO pin is a generic pin that can be used as input to read its digital status (low or high) or as output to set its digital status (low or high). On many microcontrollers it is possible to configure a GPIO to also generate an interrupt on status change.


The following macros are used to set the pin mode of operation.


Used to configure a pin as input with no pull up/down circuitry (floating mode)


Used to configure a pin as input with pull up circuitry


Used to configure a pin as analog input by connecting it to an analog to digital converter


Used to configure a pin as input with pull down circuitry


Used to configure a pin as output. The pin will be able to both sink and source current.


Used to configure a pin as output. The pin will be able to only sink current. This means the pin output can only be set to low.


Used to configure a pin as output. The pin will be able to only sink and source a higher current. Refer to each microcontroller datasheet for details.


Used to configure a pin as input. An interrupt will be generated when the status of the pin goes from high to low.


Used to configure a pin as input. An interrupt will be generated when the status of the pin goes from low to high.


Used to configure a pin as input. An interrupt will be generated when the status of the pin goes from low to high or from high to low.

GPIO Functions

int vhalPinSetMode(int vpin, int mode)

Set the digital mode of vpin to mode. Valid values for mode are the digital input and output PINMODE macros. Return 0 in case of success.

int vhalPinRead(int vpin)

Read the digital value of vpin. Return 0 if vpin is low, non-zero if vpin is high.

int vhalPinWrite(int vpin, int value)

Set the digital value of vpin to value. If value is zero, vpin is set to low, otherwise is set to high. Return 0 in case of success.

int vhalPinToggle(int vpin)

Invert the digital value of vpin. If vpin is high it is set to low, if vpin is low it is set to high. Return 0 in case of success.

void* vhalPinGetPort(int vpin)

Get the pointer to a gpio microcontroller register corresponding to vpin. The return value must be used in functions like vhalPinFastSet() and vhalPinFastClear().

int vhalPinGetPad(int vpin)

Get the offset into a gpio microcontroller register corresponding to vpin. The return value must be used in functions like vhalPinFastSet() and vhalPinFastClear().

void vhalPinFastSet(void *port, int pad)

Bypass the virtual pin indirection by operating on the microcontroller register port with offset pad. Set the corresponding pin to high.

void vhalPinFastClear(void *port, int pad)

Bypass the virtual pin indirection by operating on the microcontroller register port with offset pad. Set the corresponding pin to low.

int vhalPinFastRead(void *port, int pad)

Bypass the virtual pin indirection by operating on the microcontroller register port with offset pad. Return 0 if the in is low, non-zero if it is high.

int vhalPinSetToPeripheral(int vpin, int prph, uint32_t prms)

Transfer the control of vpin to a peripheral identified by prph. The configuration parameters for vpin are passed via prms in a format depending on the microcontroller porting. Return 0 in case of success. The parameter prph is ignored in the current version of the VHAL.

int vhalPinAttachInterrupt(int vpin, int mode, extCbkFn fn, uint32_t timeout)

Attach callback fn to vpin. fn is called from an ISR when there is a status change identified by mode. mode can be one of the PINMODE_EXT macros. Return a non negative integer identifying the slot fn has been attached to. If fn is NULL the currently attached function is removed and the interrupt disabled.

typedef void (*extCbkFn)(int slot, int dir)

The type of fn in vhalPinAttachInterrupt(). slot is the slot the callback has been attached to. dir is 0 if the callback has been called on a falling edge, non-zero on a rising edge.

if timeout is provided, fn is called only the status of the pin remains stable for at least timeout units of time, effectively implementing debouncing.


Analog to digital converters are peripherals that convert voltage on a pin to a number representing its magnitude. ADCs can be very complex devices with very advanced functions. The VHAL aims at supporting the following features when available:

  1. Single pin, single sample conversion
  2. Single pin, multiple samples conversion
  3. Multiple pin conversion
  4. Continuous conversion
  5. Conversion triggers

The current version of VHAL supports features from 1 to 3.

To enable ADC functions the macro VHAL_ADC must be defined.



Select non continuous conversion mode


Select continuous conversion mode


typedef int (*adcCbkFn)(uint32_t adc, vhalAdcCaptureInfo *nfo)

The type of the ADC callback for continuous mode. Not used in current version of VHAL.


A structure containing the parameters needed to configure the ADC for the conversion:

typedef struct _vhal_adc_capture {
  uint32_t samples;
  uint16_t *pins;
  uint8_t npins;
  uint8_t sample_size;
  uint8_t capture_mode;
  uint8_t trigger_mode;
  uint16_t trigger_vpin;
  void *buffer;
  void *half_buffer;
  int (*callback)(uint32_t, struct _vhal_adc_capture *);
} vhalAdcCaptureInfo;
  • samples is the number of samples to capture
  • pins is an array of virtual pin names to capture from
  • npins is the length of pins
  • sample_size will hold the size of a single sample
  • capture_mode is one of the ADC_CAPTURE macros
  • trigger_mode select the trigger type. Not yet used.
  • trigger_vpin is the virtual pin to be used as gpio trigger. Not yet used.
  • buffer is a pointer to a location of memory where captured samples will be stored.
  • half_buffer is a pointer to the free half of buffer in continuous mode. Not yet used.
  • callback is a function called in continuous mode when one half of the buffer is filled. Not yet used.

A structure used to initialize the ADC.

typedef struct _vhal_adc_conf {
  uint32_t samples_per_second;
  uint32_t resolution;
} vhalAdcConf;


int vhalInitADC(void* data)

Must be called before any function starting with vhalAdc.

int vhalAdcInit(uint32_t adc, vhalAdcConf *conf)

Initialize the ADC identified by the peripheral index adc with values in conf. Return 0 on success, negative values in case of failure.

int vhalAdcGetPeripheralForPin(int vpin)

Return the ADC peripheral index associated with vpin.

int vhalAdcPrepareCapture(uint32_t adc, vhalAdcCaptureInfo *info)

Must be called before vhalAdcRead() to configure the conversion. Return 0 on success. The member sample_size of info is set to the actual sample size.

int vhalAdcRead(uint32_t adc, vhalAdcCaptureInfo *info)

Must be called after vhalAdcPrepareCapture() has configured the conversion. Return 0 on success. The member buffer of info must be set to te correct size according to samples and sample_size. The function suspends the current thread until the end of the conversion. The samples are stored in the order they are converted in info->buffer.

int vhalAdcDone(uint32_t adc)

Disable the ADC identified by the peripheral index adc.


Digital to Analog converters are peripherals that convert a number to a voltage on a pin. DACs can be very complex devices with very advanced functions. The VHAL aims at supporting the following features when available:

  1. Single pin, software triggered conversion
  2. Single pin, timed triggered conversion
  3. Multiple pin conversion

To enable DAC functions the macro VHAL_DAC must be defined.

int vhalInitDAC(void* data)

Must be called before any function starting with vhalDac.

int vhalDacInit(uint32_t vpin)

Initialize the DAC identified by the virtual pin vpin. Return 0 on success, negative values in case of failure.

int vhalDacWrite(uint32_t vpin, uint16_t *data, uint32_t len, uint32_t timestep)

Return 0 on success. Starts sending data samples in data to DAC identified by vpin up to len samples, each one sent after a dealy of timestep. The function suspends the current thread until the last sample is sent.

int vhalDacDone(uint32_t vpin)

Disable the DAC identified by the virtual pin vpin.


PWM peripherals are able to generate square waves on pins. Square waves are configurable in terms of total duration (period) and duration of high state (pulse).

To enable PWM functions the macro VHAL_PWM must be defined.

int vhalInitPWM(void* data)

Must be called before any function starting with vhalPwm.

int vhalPwmStart(int vpin, uint32_t period, uint32_t pulse, uint32_t npulses)

Generate a square wave of period period and pulse pulse on vpin. Timings must be expressed using TIME_U and both period and pulse must be expressed in the same time unit.

If npulses is positive, the function blocks the current thread until a number of square waves equal to npulses is generated; afterwards, pwm is disabled and the function returns.

If npulses is zero or less, pwm is activated and the function returns immediately.

If period is 0 or pulse is 0 or period is less than pulse pwm is deactivated regardless of npulses

Return 0 on success. On failure return a negative integer.


The Input Capture Unit of a microcontroller measures the timings of a square wave on a pin.

Imagine to have this signal on a digital pin:

HIGH  _______            ________________     _________
     |       |          |                |   |         |
     |       |          |                |   |         |
_____|       |__________|                |___|         |____  LOW

        T0        T1             T2        T3     T4

The ICU is able to return the duration of T0, T1, T2, etc... in microseconds.

To enable ICU functions the macro VHAL_ICU must be defined.



Set ICU trigger to the first transition from high to low


Set ICU trigger to the first transition from low to high


Set ICU trigger to the first transition


Set pin used by ICU as input with pullup


Set pin used by ICU as input with pulldown

ICU_CFG(trigger, filter, input)

Return a uint32_t encoding the information about icu triggering (one of the ICU_TRIGGER macros) and icu pin configuration (one of the ICU_INPUT macros). The parameter filter is not used at the moment and must be set to 0.


Extract the trigger value from a cfg generated by ICU_CFG


Extracts the input mode value from a cfg generated by ICU_CFG


int vhalInitICU(void* data)

Must be called before any function starting with vhalIcu.

int vhalIcuStart(int vpin, uint32_t cfg, uint32_t time_window, uint32_t *buffer, uint32_t *bufsize, uint32_t *firstbit)

Start capturing on vpin. The capture will start with pin mode and trigger parameters specified in cfg by means of the ICU_CFG macro. Once the capture starts, it will continue until one of the following conditions verifies:

  • a time equal to time_window has passed from the last captured value
  • a number of values equal to the integer pointed by bufsize has been captured

The function blocks the current thread until the end of the capture. On returning:

  • bufsize will point to the number of captured values
  • buffer will contain such values expressed in microseconds
  • firstbit will point to ICU_TRIGGER_LOW if the first transition was from high to low, or to ICU_TRIGGER_HIGH if the first transition was from low to high.

Return 0 on success. On failure, a negative value.


Hardware Timers can be used to keep track of time with a greater precision with respect to the RTOS software timers.

To enable HTM functions the macro VHAL_HTM must be defined.

typedef void (*htmFn)(uint32_t tm, void *args)

Type of a hardware timer callback function.

int vhalInitHTM(void* data)

Must be called before any function starting with vhalHtm.

int vhalHtmGetFreeTimer(void)

Return the peripheral index of the first available hardware timer. Return value is negative in case of error.

int vhalHtmOneShot(uint32_t tm, uint32_t delay, htmFn fn, void *args, uint32_t blocking)

Given the peripheral index tm, configure such timer to generate an interrupt after a time represented by delay (with TIME_U). On interrupt generation, fn is executed with arguments args.

If blocking is non-zero, the function blocks the current thread until fn is called. If blocking is zero, the function immediately returns.

If delay is zero, the timer is deactivated.

Return 0 on success.

int vhalHtmRecurrent(uint32_t tm, uint32_t delay, htmFn fn, void *args)

Given the peripheral index tm, configure such timer to generate an interrupt after a time represented by delay (with TIME_U). On interrupt generation, fn is executed with arguments args and the timer is reconfigured to generate another interrupt after the same delay.

If delay is zero, the timer is deactivated and fn stops to be executed periodically.

Return 0 on success.

int vhalSleepMicros(uint32_t tm, uint32_t micros)

Given the peripheral index tm, suspends the current thread for micros microseconds.

Return 0 on success.


Serial communication interfaces in microcontrollers come in many flavours: USART, UART and Serial over USB. All this peripherals are grouped together in Zerynth and controlled with the same API.



Select no parity


Select even parity


Select odd parity


Select 1 stop bit


Select 1.5 stop bit


Select 2 stop bits


Select 8 bits of data


Select 7 bits of data

SERIAL_CFG(parity, stop, bits, hw, other)

Return a uint32_t representing the serial port configuration. hw and other are not yet used and must be set to 0.


Return parity configuration encoded in cfg


Return stop bits configuration encoded in cfg


Return data bits configuration encoded in cfg


int vhalSerialInit(uint32_t ser, uint32_t baud, uint32_t cfg, uint16_t rxpin, uint16_t txpin)

Initialize the serial peripheral indentified by the peripheral index ser. Baudrate is set to baud and configuration parameters are taken from cfg encoded with SERIAL_CFG. rxpin and txpin are configured accordingly.

Return 0 on success.

int vhalSerialRead(uint32_t ser, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len)

Read len bytes from ser into buf blocking the current thread until all bytes are read.

Return the actual number of bytes read.

int vhalSerialWrite(uint32_t ser, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len)

Write len bytes from buf to ser. Depending on the implementation, the function may return before all bytes are actually written to ser.

Return the number of bytes written to ser or to an internal buffer.

int vhalSerialAvailable(uint32_t ser)

Return the number of bytes available to the next vhalSerialRead() call.

int vhalSerialDone(uint32_t ser)

Deactivate ser.


I2C is a multimaster and multislave bus used to exchange data between microcontrollers and peripherals. Many microcontrollers can be configured both as I2C masters or I2C slaves; in the current version, the VHAL supports only master mode.


The following structure is used to configure the I2C bus:

typedef struct _vhal_i2c_conf {
  uint32_t clock;
  uint16_t addr;
  uint16_t sda;
  uint16_t scl;
  uint16_t mode;
} vhalI2CConf;

The meaning of vhalI2CConf members is:

  • clock: number of Hz the I2C bus will be clocked to. Use up to 100k for slow mode, up to 400k for fast mode. Other modes are not supported yet.
  • addr: the peripheral address to communicate with.
  • sda: the virtual pin that will be configured as SDA (data line).
  • scl: the virtual pin that will be configured as SCL (clock line).
  • mode: not used yet.
int vhalInitI2C(void *data)

Must be called before any function starting with vhalI2C.

int vhalI2CInit(uint32_t i2c, vhalI2CConf *conf)

Initialize the I2C bus corresponding to the i2c peripheral index with configuration parameters taken from conf.

Return 0 on success.

int vhalI2CDone(uint32_t i2c)

Deactivates i2c.

int vhalI2CLock(uint32_t i2c)

Lock the I2C bus. To be used when multiple threads share the same bus.

int vhalI2CUnlock(uint32_t i2c)

Unlock the I2C bus. To be used when multiple threads share the same bus.

int vhalI2CRead(uint32_t i2c, uint8_t* buf, uint32_t len, uint32_t timeout)

Start reading from i2c (from configured addr). Execution ends as soon as one of the following conditions verifies:

  • after a message of len bytes has been read and transferred to buf
  • an error occurs on the bus
  • the bus is inactive for a time equal to timeout

Return 0 on success.

int vhalI2CTransmit(uint32_t i2c, uint8_t* tx, uint32_t txlen, uint8_t *rx, uint32_t rxlen, uint32_t timeout)

Execute a two steps communication. First, txlen bytes from tx are written to the bus; second, rxlen bytes are read from the bus to rx.

Execution ends as soon as one of the following conditions verifies:

  • both write and read steps are executed without errors
  • an error occurs on the bus
  • the bus is inactive for a time equal to timeout

Return 0 on success.

int vhalI2CWrite(uint32_t i2c, uint8_t* tx, uint32_t txlen, uint32_t timeout)

Implemented as a macro calling vhalI2CTransmit(i2c,tx,txlen,NULL,0,timeout).

int vhalI2CSetAddr(uint32_t i2c, uint16_t addr)

Change the peripheral address associated with i2c in vhalI2CInit() to addr.


Serial Peripheral Interface is one of the most used communication standards in embedded systems. Many microcontroller allow the SPI bus to be configured as master or as slave; the current version of VHAL supports master mode only.


The following structure is used to configure the SPI bus:

typedef struct _vhal_spi_conf {
  uint32_t clock;
  uint16_t miso;
  uint16_t mosi;
  uint16_t sclk;
  uint16_t nss;
  uint8_t mode;
  uint8_t bits;
  uint8_t master;
  uint8_t msbfirst;
} vhalSpiConf;

The meaning of vhalSpiConf members is:

  • clock: the number of Hz the SPI bus will be clocked to.
  • miso, mosi, sclk, nss: virtual pins representing the four wires used by the bus. nss is also called slave select or chip select in datasheets.
  • mode: configuration parameters for polarity and phase
  • bits: number of data bits
  • master: not used yet
  • msbfirst: if non-zero, data is transferred with the most significant bits first.



Low polarity (idle low), phase zero (bits captured on the first clock edge)


Low polarity (idle low), phase one (bits captured on the second clock edge)


High polarity (idle high), phase zero (bits captured on the first clock edge)


High polarity (idle high), phase one (bits captured on the second clock edge)


Data is transferred 8 bits at time


Data is transferred 16 bits at time


Data is transferred 32 bits at time


int vhalInitSPI(void *data)

Must be called before any function starting with vhalSpi.

int vhalSpiInit(uint32_t spi, vhalSpiConf *conf)

Initialize the SPI bus identified by the peripheral index spi with configuration parameters taken from conf.

Return 0 on success.

vhalSpiLock(uint32_t spi)

Lock the SPI bus. To be used when multiple threads share the same bus.

vhalSpiUnlock(uint32_t spi)

Unlock the SPI bus. To be used when multiple threads share the same bus.

int vhalSpiSelect(uint32_t spi)

Select the SPI peripheral connected to nss.

int vhalSpiUnselect(uint32_t spi)

Unselect the SPI peripheral connected to nss.

int vhalSpiExchange(uint32_t spi, void *tosend, void *toread, uint32_t blocks)

Start a SPI communication on spi, exchanging a number of data frames equal to blocks. Size of data frame is configured with SPI_BITS macros.

Data is exchanged synchronously; bytes in tosend are written to MOSI while bytes incoming on MISO are stored in toread. If toread is NULL, incoming bytes are ignored (pure write). If tosend is NULL, nothing is written (pure read). If both toread and tosend are NULL, bytes on the bus are skipped.

Return 0 on success.

int vhalSpiDone(uint32_t spi)

Deactivate spi.



Low polarity (idle low), phase zero (bits captured on the first clock edge)


Low polarity (idle low), phase one (bits captured on the second clock edge)


High polarity (idle high), phase zero (bits captured on the first clock edge)


High polarity (idle high), phase one (bits captured on the second clock edge)


Nfo functions retrieve the unique identifier of a microcontroller.

uint8_t *vhalNfoGetUIDStr(void)

Return the unique identifier represented as a hex string.

int vhalNfoGetUID(uint8_t *buf)

Return the unique identifier as bytes in buf

int vhalNfoGetUIDLen(void)

Return the length in bytes of the unique identifier. The length of the corresponding hex string is exactly two times.


Microcontrollers usually have a non volatile storage memory (flash memory) to hold code. These memories are usually organized in sectors or blocks, each of which can be erased and written indipendently of others.

int vhalFlashErase(void *addr, uint32_t size)

Erase sector starting at addr for size bytes. If size is greater than the sector length, following sectors are erased.

Return 0 on success.

int vhalFlashWrite(void *addr, uint8_t *data, uint32_t len)

Write data starting at addr for len bytes. In many architectures, for vhalFlashWrite to work, the sectors must be erased first.

Return written bytes number.

void *vhalFlashAlignToSector(void *addr)

If addr points to the start of a sector, return addr. Otherwise the start of the next sector is returned.

Return NULL on error.


Random Number Generators are often implemented in hardware. When such MCU feature is missing, the VHAL provides a software implementation.

int vhalRngSeed(uint32_t seed)

Initialize the RNG with a seed. Must be called before using vhalRngGenerate()

uint32_t vhalRngGenerate(void)

Return a random 32 bits number.


A Real-Time Clock (RTC) might be available on-board to keep passing time with great accuracy.

int vhalRTCInit(int rtc)

Initialize the RTC identified by the peripheral index rtc. Return 0 on success.

int vhalRTCGetUTC(int rtc, vhalRTCTimeInfo* vhal_time_info)

Fill vhal_time_info structure with time information retrieved from the RTC.

typedef struct _timeinfo {
    uint32_t tv_seconds;
    uint32_t tv_microseconds;

    uint32_t tm_sec;
    uint32_t tm_min;
    uint32_t tm_hour;
    uint32_t tm_mday;
    uint32_t tm_mon;
    uint32_t tm_year;
    uint32_t tm_wday;
    uint32_t tm_yday;
    uint32_t tm_isdst;
} vhalRTCTimeInfo;

Return 0 on success.

int vhalRTCSetUTC(int rtc, uint32_t sec, uint32_t usec)

Set an UTC reference for RTC identified by the peripheral index rtc passing reference Unix timestamp seconds and microseconds to obtain sub-second precision. Return 0 on success.


In most microcontrollers function to be called in response to an interrupt are stored in an interrupt table. Single interrupts can be enabled, disabled or given a priority (if supported). To change the function called on interrupt, refer to vosInstallHandler().

void vhalIrqEnablePrio(uint32_t irqn, uint32_t prio)

Enables the interrupt irqn assignign a priority of prio. Priority must be passed with the PORT_PRIO_MASK macro defined in the microcontroller porting files.

void vhalIrqDisable(uint32_t irqn)

Disable interrupt irqn

void vhalIrqEnable(uint32_t irqn)

Enable interrupt irqn assigning a default priority. Implemented as a macro.

Error Codes

VHAL functions usually return an error code. The following list of macros contains most of the possible error codes. Some undocumented error codes are still returned in the current version.

Error code are non positive integers. They have been encoded in such a way that negating the error code results in the corresponding virtual machine exception number.


Evaluates to 0. Returned on success.


Generic peripheral error. Corresponds to PeripheralError exception.


A virtual pin not supporting a specific peripheral is passed. Corresponds to InvalidPin exception.


An hardware error condition happened during peripheral operations. Corresponds to InvalidHardwareStatus exception.


The peripheral operation reached a timeout condition. Corresponds to TimeoutError exception.


A peripheral error happened during initialization. Corresponds to HardwareInitializationError exception.