SW03 Module

This is a module for the SW03 ambient temperature, altitude and pressure sensor. The board is based off the MPL3115A2 manufactured by NXP Semiconductors. The board uses I2C for communication.


SW03 class

class SW03(i2cdrv, addr=0x60, clk=100000)

Creates an intance of a new SW03.

  • i2cdrv – I2C Bus used ‘( I2C0, ... )’
  • addr – Slave address, default 0x60
  • clk – Clock speed, default 100kHz


from xinabox.sw03 import sw03


SW03 = sw03.SW03(I2C0)
alt = SW03.getAltitude()
pres = SW03.getPressure()

Initialize the MPL3115A2 setting the oversample rate value.

Parameters:osr – set the oversample rate value (from 0 to 7), default 0
OSR Value Oversample Ratio Data Ready
0 1 6 ms
1 2 10 ms
2 4 18 ms
3 8 34 ms
4 16 66 ms
5 32 130 ms
6 64 258 ms
7 128 512 ms

Retrieves the current altitude data from the sensor as raw value.

Returns raw_a


Retrieves the current pressure data from the sensor as raw value.

Returns raw_p


Retrieves the current temperature data from the sensor as raw value.

Returns raw_t


Calculates, from measured pressure, the current altitude data as value in meters.

Returns altitude


Retrieves the current pressure data from the sensor as calibrate value in Pa.

Returns pres


Retrieves the current temperature data from the sensor as calibrate value in °C.

Returns temp