PATLITE LA6 Library¶
To talk with a lamp device an object of type HTTP protocol or MODBUS TCP
#----- HTTP Protocol import la6 lamp=la6.la6HTTP() lamp.set_LED_colors(["green","green","white","red","red"]) #----- MODBUS TCP Protocol import la6 lamp=la6.la6MODBUS() lamp.set_LED_colors(["green","green","white","red","red"])
To be able to communicate via HTTP or MODBUS TCP the patlite la6 must be previously configured to accept commands via these protocols. Set the “Control-system Switchover” parameter on the “Main Unit Setup” page to the “Command Control” value via the web interface.
la6HTTP class¶
(colors=["off,"off,"off","off","off"], buzzer="off", flash="off", address="")¶ Create an instance of the la6HTTP class for control patlite la6 lamp with HTTP protocol.
Parameters: - colors –
Array of 5 positions containing the colors of the led strips.
String Color off off red Red amber Amber lemon Lemon green Green skyblue Sky Blue blue Blue purple Purple pink Pink white White - buzzer –
Buzzer status upon initialization.
Value Effect off Turned off on Turned on 2-11 audio effects set by set by the lamp manufacturer - flash – Flash LED unit status upon initialization [“off” or “on”].
- address – The IP address of the devices concerned.
- colors –
(colors)¶ Parameters: colors – Array of 5 positions containing the colors of the led strips.
(buzzer)¶ Parameters: buzzer – Buzzer status.
(flash)¶ Parameters: flash – Flash LED unit status.
()¶ LED unit and buzzer reset.
(command)¶ Parameters: command – Through this parameter composed of the digits from 1 to 15 it is possible to draw on the SmartMode LED animation functions sanctioned by the lamp manufacturer.
la6MODBUS class¶
(colors=["off,"off,"off","off","off"], buzzer="off", flash="off", address="", port=502)¶ Create an instance of the la6MODBUS class for control patlite la6 lamp with MODBUS TCP protocol.
Parameters: - colors –
Array of 5 positions containing the colors of the led strips.
String Color off off red Red amber Amber lemon Lemon green Green skyblue Sky Blue blue Blue purple Purple pink Pink white White - buzzer –
Buzzer status upon initialization.
Value Effect off Turned off on Turned on 2-11 audio effects set by set by the lamp manufacturer - flash – Flash LED unit status upon initialization [“off” or “on”].
- address – The IP address of the devices concerned.
- port – Network port for connection in modbus protocol.
- colors –
(colors) Parameters: colors – Array of 5 positions containing the colors of the led strips.
(buzzer) Parameters: buzzer – Buzzer status.
(flash) Parameters: flash – Flash LED unit status.
(command) Parameters: command – Through this parameter composed of the digits from 1 to 15 it is possible to draw on the SmartMode LED animation functions sanctioned by the lamp manufacturer.
() LED unit and buzzer reset.