FXOS8700CQ Module

This module contains the driver for NXP FXOS8700CQ accelerometer and magnetometer. The FXOS8700CQ provides direct I2C communication and the accelerometer can be set on 3 different full-scale range and 8 different over sample rate values (datasheet).

class FXOS8700CQ(i2cdrv, addr=0x1E, clk=400000)

Creates an intance of a new FXOS8700CQ.

  • i2cdrv – I2C Bus used ‘( I2C0, ... )’
  • addr – Slave address, default 0x1E
  • clk – Clock speed, default 400kHz


from nxp.fxos8700cq import fxos8700cq


fxos = fxos8700cq.FXOS8700CQ(I2C0)
acc = fxos.get_acc()
mag = fxos.get_mag()
init(mode=ACCMAG, odr=0, osr=0, range=RANGE4G)

Initialize the FXOS8700CQ setting the operating mode, the output data rate , the full-scale range and the oversample ratio.

  • mode – select the operating mode (allowed values: ACCONLY for accelerometer only, MAGONLY for magnetometer only, ACCMAG for both active), default ACCMAG
  • odr – set the output data rate (from 0 to 7 - refer to page 44 of the FXOS8700CQ datasheet), default 0
  • osr – set the over sample ratio for magnetometer (from 0 to 7 - refer to page 97 of the FXOS8700CQ datasheet), default 0
  • range – accelerometer full-scale range (allowed values RANGE2G, RANGE4G, RANGE8G), default RANGE4G
ODR ACC/MAG Mode Data Ready ACC/MAG Hybrid Mode Data Ready Hybrid
0 800 Hz 1.25 ms 400 Hz 2.5 ms
1 400 Hz 2.5 ms 200 Hz 5 ms
2 200 Hz 5 ms 100 Hz 10 ms
3 100 Hz 10 ms 50 Hz 20 ms
4 50 Hz 20 ms 25 Hz 80 ms
5 12.5 Hz 80 ms 6.25 Hz 160 ms
6 6.25 Hz 160 ms 3.125 Hz 320 ms
7 1.56 Hz 640 ms 0.7813 1280 ms
1.56 Hz 16 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024
6.25 Hz 4 4 8 16 32 64 128 256
12.5 Hz 2 2 4 8 16 32 64 128
50 Hz 2 2 2 2 4 8 16 32
100 Hz 2 2 2 2 2 4 8 16
200 Hz 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 8
400 Hz 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4
800 Hz 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Retrieves the current accelerometer data as a tuple of X, Y, Z, raw values

Returns [ax, ay, az]


Retrieves the current magnetometer data as a tuple of X, Y, Z, raw values

Returns [mx, my, mz]


Retrieves the current internal temperature data as raw values

Returns raw_t


Retrieves the current accelerometer data in m/s^2 as a tuple of X, Y, Z values or single axis value if axis argument is provided.

Parameters:axis – select the axis (allowed values: “x” for x-axis, “y” for y-axis, “z” for z-axis); default None for all values

Returns [acc_x, acc_y, acc_z] or acc_x or acc_y or acc_z


Retrieves the current magnetometer data in uT as a tuple of X, Y, Z values or single axis value if axis argument is provided.

Parameters:axis – select the axis (allowed values: “x” for x-axis, “y” for y-axis, “z” for z-axis); default None for all values

Returns [mag_x, mag_y, mag_z] or mag_x or mag_y or mag_z


Retrieves the current device internal temperature value in Celtius, Kelvin or Fahrenheit degrees.

Parameters:unit – select the unit of measure for internal temperature (allowed values: “C” for Celtius degrees, “K” for Kelvin degrees, “F” Fahrenheit degrees); default “C”

Returns int_temp