
This module allows the creation of transactions and makes it easy to call contracts.

The Ethereum module is very easy to use:

import streams
from blockchain.ethereum import ethereum

# prepare a transaction object
tx = ethereum.Transaction()
tx.set_chain(ethereum.ROPSTEN)  # Test network

# sign the transaction with a private key

# print hex RLP representation

# print Hashes

# print full info

The following constants are defined:

  • WEI, minimum transactable unit
  • KWEI, 1000 WEI
  • MWEI, one million WEI
  • GWEI, one billion WEI
  • SZABO, 1000 GWEI
  • FINNEY, one million GWEI
  • ETHER, one billion GWEI
  • MAIN, identifier of the main network
  • ROPSTEN, identifier of the ropsten network
  • RINKEBY, identifier of the rinkeby network
  • KOVAN, identifier of the kovan network

Transaction class

class Transaction(chain=MAIN)

Creates an instance of a Transaction on the network id specified by chain.

The resulting Transaction instance is empty and invalid. The following parameters must be at least specified by calling the appropriate setters:

  • receiver address
  • value to transfer
  • gas price
  • gas limit
  • transaction nonce

Optionally, transaction data and network id can be set.

Parameters:address – the receiver address in hex format starting with 0x

Set the receiver address to address

set_value(value, unit=WEI)
  • value – value to transfer as an hexadecimal string, bytes or integer
  • unit – a unit constant, default WEI

Convert value to big number format according to unit and set the resulting big number as the transaction value.

set_gas_price(value, unit=WEI)
  • value – gas price in hexadecimal format
  • unit – a unit constant, default WEI

Convert value to big number format according to unit and set the resulting big number as the transaction gas price.

set_gas_limt(value, unit=WEI)
  • value – gas limit in hexadecimal format
  • unit – a unit constant, default WEI

Convert value to big number format according to unit and set the resulting big number as the transaction gas limit.

Parameters:value – transaction nonce as integer

Set transaction nonce.

Parameters:value – binary representation of transaction data. Can be hexadecimal or bytes.

Set transaction data to value

Parameters:chain – integer representing the network id of the Ethereum network

Set the network id for the transaction.

Parameters:hex – boolean

Return the RLP representation of the transaction in biney form. If hex is True, the hexadecimal representation is returned.

Parameters:full – boolean

Return a hash instance (Keccak) of the transaction. To obtain the binary or string hash, call the methods digest/hexdigest on the result. If full is False, fields v,r,s of the transaction are set to default values as specified in EIP-155.

Parameters:pv – private key in hexadecimal or binary format

Generate a signed transaction according to EIP-155. Once signed, the transaction can be converted to RLP and broadcasted to the Ethereum network.

Contract class

class Contract(rpc, contract_address, key=None, address=None, chain=MAIN)

Prepare the device to interact with an Ethereum Smart Contract.

Create an instance of the Contract class to:

  • call contract functions through paid transactions (functions modifying the blockchain)
  • call contract functions through simple, gas-free calls (functions not modifying the blockchain)

A device can interact with an already created contract placed at address contract_address.

rpc must be a valid RPC instance. chain is the optional network id.

key and address represent device address and key needed only if paid transactions are executed.

register_function(function, gas_price=None, gas_limit=None, args_type=())
  • function – function name
  • gas_price – gas price for function execution, can be None, an tuple (value, unit) or a single integer value which will be considered in WEI unit
  • gas_limit – gas limit for function execution, can be None, an tuple (value, unit) or a single integer value which will be considered in WEI unit
  • args_type – a tuple specifying function arguments’ type following Ethereum ABI, at the moment only a subset of possible types is supported: address, uint<M> where 0 < M < 256 and M % 8 == 0

Register a contract function to be called.

tx(function, nonce, value, args=())
  • function – function to call
  • nonce – transaction nonce as integer (can be obtained calling rpc.getTransactionCount)
  • value – transaction value as a tuple (value,unit) or None
  • args – call arguments as a tuple

Call a previously registered function modifying the blockchain.

call(function, args=(), rv=None)
  • function – function to call
  • args – call arguments as a tuple
  • rv – return value: a tuple containing the number of expected bits and str or int to have respectively an hex string as the call return value or an integer obtained converting returned hex to decimal (e.g. (160, str) for a call returning an address)

Call a previously registered function not modifying the blockchain.