Export gates

List of commands:

Export gate creation

To create a new export gate use the command:

zdm gate export create name type frequency workspace_id email

where name is the name that you want to give to your new webhook type is your export type (json, csv) frequency is the export frequency [daily, weekly] workspace_id is the uid of the workspace you want to receive data from email is the email to receive the link to download the export

You also have the possibility to add filters on data using the following options:

--tag To specify a tag to filter data (you can specify more than one) --fleet To specify a fleet to filter data (you can specify more than one) --export-name To specify the export’s name :option: ‘–day’ To specify the day (if frequency is weekly) [0 Sunday... 6 Saturday]

List export gates

To see a list of your export gates use the command:

zdm gate export all workspace_id

where workspace_id is the uid of the workspace

You also have the possibility to add filters on gates using the following options:

  • --status active|disabled to filter on gate’s status

Update export

To update an export gate use the command:

zdm gate export update gate_id

you can change gate’s configuration using the following options: :: * --name to change the gate name * --cron to change the gate period (cron string hour day) * --dump_type to change the dump format (json, csv) * --email to change the notifications email * --tag (multiple option) to replace webhook tag array