
The ZTC is launched by typing ztc in a console.


In Windows and Mac installations, the PATH environmental variable is automatically updated in such a way that ztc is globally available for the user. In Linux installations, due to the many different shells, the PATH must be set manually to the following path: <installation-dir>/ztc/linux64.

ztc takes commands and options as arguments:

ztc [g_options] [command] [l_options]
  • [g_options] are global options that alter the behaviour of all subcommands
  • [command] is a specific command for the available list of commands
  • [l_options] are options specific to the command and are documented in each command section

Global options

The following global options are accepted by ztc

  • --help shows the global options and avaialable commands. --help can also be used as a local option showing the help relative to the given command.
  • --colors / --no-colors enables/disables colored output. Default is enabled. ztc automatically detect if it is launched in a terminal capable of colored output and disables colors if not supported.
  • --traceback / --no-traceback enables/disables the full output for exceptions. The ZTC is written in Python and in case of unexpected errors can output the full Python traceback for debugging purposes.
  • --user-agent agent set the user-agent http header used in REST calls. It is used to monitor the integration of the ZTC in different tools. In general the agent value should be the name of the tool integrating the ZTC. The value ztc and ide are reserved for command line usage of the ZTC or usage through Zerynth Studio, respectively.
  • -J enables the JSON output for commands. It is generally used by external tools using the ZTC to get easily machine readable output. If the -J is not given, the output of commands is more human readable.
  • --pretty is used in conjuction with -J and produces nicely formatted JSON output.

Command List

The ZTC contains many different commands and each one may take subcommand as additional parameters. Commands are best listed by grouping them by functionality as follows.

Output conventions

All commands can produce tagged and untagged messages. Tagged messages are prefixed by [type] where type can be one of:

  • info: informative message, printed to stdout
  • warning: warning message, printed to stderr
  • error: error message, printed to stderr. Signals a non fatal error condition without stopping the execution
  • fatal: error message, printed to stderr. Signals a fatal error condition stopping the execution and setting an error return value. It can optionally be followed by a Python traceback in case of unexpected Exception.

Untagged messages are not colored and not prefixed. The result of a command generally consists of one or more untagged messages. If the -J option is given without --pretty, almost every command output is a single untagged line.


The ZTC is organized on disk in a set of directories stored under ~/zerynth2 for Linux and Mac or under C:Usersusernamezerynth2 for Windows. The following directory tree is created:

|--cfg    # configuration files, device database, clone of online package database
|--sys    # system packages, platform dependent
|--vms    # virtual machines storage
\--dist   # all installed ZTC versions
    |--r2.0.0  # ZTC version r2.0.0
    |--r2.0.1  # ZTC version r2.0.1

Every successful ZTC installation or update is kept in a separate directory (dist/version) so that in case of corrupted installation, the previous working ZTC can be used.