.. module:: modbus *************** MODBUS Library *************** This module contains all functionalities to communicate with a Modbus device. The communication can be of the serial or TCP type. When a connection with a slave device has been established, the registers can be read and write. .. method:: read_coils(address, n) :param address: The starting address :param n: the number of coils to read, starting from **address**. Reads the status of **n** coils, starting from **address**. Returns a list containing the status of coils read if the read has been successfull, otherwhise an exception will be raised. .. method:: read_discrete(address, n) :param address: The starting address :param n: the number of discrete register to read, starting from **address**. Reads the status of **n** discrete registers, starting from **address**. Returns a list containing the status of discrete registers read if the read has been successfull, otherwhise an exception will be raised. .. method:: read_holding(address, n) :param address: The starting address :param n: the number of holding register to read, starting from **address**. Reads the values of **n** holding registers, starting from **address**. Returns a list containing the values of holding registers read if the read has been successfull, otherwhise an exception will be raised. .. method:: read_input(address, n) :param address: The starting address :param n: the number of input register to read, starting from **address**. Reads the values of **n** input registers, starting from **address**. Returns a list containing the values of input registers read if the read has been successfull, otherwhise an exception will be raised. .. method:: write_coil(address, value) :param address: The address of the coil :param value: is the value to write. Returns the value written in the coil if the write has been successfull, otherwhise an exception will be raised. .. method:: write_register(address, value) :param address: The address of the register :param value: is the value to write. Returns the value written in the holding register if the write has been successfull, otherwhise an exception will be raised. .. method:: write_multiple_coils(address, n, values) :param address: The address of the first coil :param n: the number of coils :param values: a list containing the new values to write. Returns the number of coils written if the write has been successfull, otherwhise an exception will be raised. .. method:: write_multiple_registers(address, n, values) :param address: The address of the first holding register :param n: the number of registers :param values: a list containing the new values to write. Returns the number of holding registers written if the write has been successfull, otherwhise an exception will be raised. =============== ModbusTCP class =============== .. class:: ModbusTCP(identifier) Creates an instance of the ModbusTCP class which allow Modbus communication with slave device using TCP. It inherits all of its methods from :class:`MODBUS Library` described above. :param identifier: The slave device identifier, used in the header of every packet. .. method:: connect(address, port = 502) :param address: The ip address of the slave device :param port: port on which the slave device is listening to (default value is 502). Create the connection with the slave device. .. method:: close() Close the connection with the slave device. ================ ConfigSerial class ================ .. class:: ConfigSerial(drvname, baud, rs485en = None, stopbits = STOPBIT_1, parity = PARITY_NONE, receive_sleep = 250) Creates an object to set some parameters to communicate with serial port. :param drvname: is the serial name :param baud: is the baudrate :param rs485en: the pin used for RS485 communication (default value is None) :param stopbits: :samp:`STOPBIT_1` , :samp:`STOPBIT_1_HALF`, :samp:`STOPBIT_2` (default value is STOPBIT_1) :param parity: :samp:`PARITY_NONE` or :samp:`PARITY_EVEN` (default value is PARITY_NONE) :param receive_sleep: timeout on the receiving function (default value is 250). ================== ModbusSerial class ================== .. class:: ModbusSerial(identifier, drvname = None, baud = None, rs485en = None, cfg = None) Creates an instance of the ModbusSerial class which allow Modbus communication with slave device using RTU. It inherits all of its methods from :class:`MODBUS Library` described above. :param identifier: The slave device identifier :param drvname: is the serial name (default value is None) :param baud: is the baudrate (default value is None) :param rs485en: is the pin used for RS485 communication (default value is None) :param cfg: is an object of the ConfigSerial class described above (default value is None). If you want communicate with a device through serial communication, you can create a ConfigSerial class object, in order to set more parameters, like showing in this example: :: from modbus import modbus ... config_serial = modbus.ConfigSerial(drvname=SERIAL1, baud=9600) master = modbus.ModbusSerial(1, cfg = config_serial) result = master.write_register(2, 10) print("Value written in the register: ", result) or you can pass the drvname, baudrate and rs485en directly to ModbusSerial like showing in this other example: :: from modbus import modbus ... master = modbus.ModbusSerial(1, drvname=SERIAL1, baud=9600, rs485en=D40) result = master.write_register(2, 10) print("Value written in the register: ", result) .. method:: close() Close the serial port.