.. module:: hts221 ====== hts221 ====== This module contains the driver for ST HTS221 temperature and relative humidity sensor. Its highlight is that it outputs its measurement in a 16-bit resolution and has a high rH sensitivity of 0.004%. .. class:: HTS221(drvsel,int_pin,address=0x5F,clk=400000) Creates an intance of a new HTS221. :param drvsel: I2C Bus used `( I2C0, I2C0 )` :param int_pin: Interrupt pin used for events :param address: Slave address, default 0x5f :param clk: Clock speed, default 400kHz Example: :: from stm.hts221 import hts221 temp_hum = hts221.HTS221( I2C1,D31 ) temp, hum = temp_hum.get_temp_humidity() .. method:: get_temp_humidity() Retrieves both temperature and humidity in one call. Returns temp, humidity