.. module:: hexiwear_lib *************** HEXIWEAR Module *************** This module contains the driver for enabling and handling all Hexiwear onboard sensors and features. The HEXIWEAR class permits an easier access to the internal peripherals and exposes all functionalities in simple function calls (`wiki `_). .. class:: HEXIWEAR(battery_en=True, oled_en=True, amb_light_en=True, heart_rate_en=True, temp_humid_en=True, gyro_en=True, acc_magn_en=True, pressure_en=True, bt_driver_en=True) Creates an intance of a new HEXIWEAR. :param battery_en(*bool*): Flag for enabling the battery level reading feature; default True :param oled_en(*bool*): Flag for enabling the onboard color oled display; default True :param amb_light_en(*bool*): Flag for enabling the ambient light sensor; default True :param heart_rate_en(*bool*): Flag for enabling the heart rate sensor; default True :param temp_humid_en(*bool*): Flag for enabling the temperature and humidity sensor; default True :param gyro_en(*bool*): Flag for enabling the onboard gyroscope; default True :param acc_magn_en(*bool*): Flag for enabling the onboard accelerometer and magnetometer; default True :param pressure_en(*bool*): Flag for enabling the pressure sensor; default True :param bt_driver_en(*bool*): Flag for enabling driver for bluetooth features; default True Example: :: from nxp.hexiwear import hexiwear ... hexi = hexiwear.HEXIWEAR() t = hexi.get_temperature() h = hexi.get_humidity() ... gyro = hexi.get_gyroscope_data() .. method:: get_battery_level(chg_state) If battery level reading feature is enabled; retrieves the current battery level in percentage and the charging battery status if *chg=True* is provided. :param chg_state(*bool*): flag for enabling the reading of the battery charging status; default False Returns battery_level or battery_level, charging_status or None .. method:: get_pressure() If pressure sensor is enabled; retrieves the current pressure data from the onboard sensor as calibrate value in Pa. Returns pressure or None .. method:: get_temperature() If temperature and humidity sensor is enabled; retrieves the current temperature data from the onboard sensor as calibrate value in °C. Returns temperature or None .. method:: get_humidity() If temperature and humidity sensor is enabled; retrieves the current humidity data from the onboard sensor as calibrate value in %RH. Returns humidity or None .. method:: get_accelerometer_data() If accelerometer and magnetometer are enabled; retrieves the current accelerometer data from the onboard sensor in m/s^2 as a tuple of X, Y, Z values. Returns [acc_x, acc_y, acc_z] or None .. method:: get_magnetometer_data() If accelerometer and magnetometer are enabled; retrieves the current magnetometer data from the onboard sensor in uT as a tuple of X, Y, Z values. Returns [magn_x, magn_y, magn_z] or None .. method:: get_gyroscope_data() If gyroscope is enabled; retrieves the current gyroscope data from the onboard sensor in degrees per second as a tuple of X, Y, Z values. Returns [gyro_x, gyro_y, gyro_z] or None .. method:: get_ambient_light() If ambient light sensor is enabled; Converts the raw sensor values to the standard SI lux equivalent. Returns lux or None .. method:: get_heart_rate() If heart rate sensor is enabled; retrieves the current heart rate from the onboard sensor as value in bpm (beat per minute). Returns heart_rate or None .. method:: get_altitude() If pressure sensor is enabled; calculates, from measured pressure, the current altitude data as value in meters. Returns altitude or None .. method:: attach_button_up(callback) If bluetooth driver is enabled; sets the callback function to be executed when Capacitive Button Up on Hexiwear device is pressed. .. method:: attach_button_down(callback) If bluetooth driver is enabled; sets the callback function to be executed when Capacitive Button Down on Hexiwear device is pressed. .. method:: attach_button_left(callback) If bluetooth driver is enabled; sets the callback function to be executed when Capacitive Button Left on Hexiwear device is pressed. .. method:: attach_button_right(callback) If bluetooth driver is enabled; sets the callback function to be executed when Capacitive Button Right on Hexiwear device is pressed. .. method:: attach_passkey(callback) If bluetooth driver is enabled; sets the callback function to be executed when KW40Z receives a bluetooth pairing request. .. note :: When the KW40Z receives this kind of request it generates a pairing code stored in the passkey KW40Z class attribute of bt_driver internal instance. .. method:: bluetooth_on() If bluetooth driver is enabled; turns on the bluetooth features. .. method:: bluetooth_off() If bluetooth driver is enabled; turns off the bluetooth features. .. method:: right_capacitive_buttons_active() If bluetooth driver is enabled; turns active the right pair of capacitive buttons. .. method:: right_capacitive_buttons_active() If bluetooth driver is enabled; turns active the left pair of capacitive buttons. .. method:: bluetooth_info() If bluetooth driver is enabled; retrieves the bluetooth chip informations regarding the status, which capacitive touch buttons are active, and the "connection with other devices" status. * Bluetooth Status (*bool*): 1 Bluetooth is on, 0 Bluetooth is off; * Capacitive Touch Buttons (*bool*): 1 active right pair, 0 acive left pair; * Link Status (*bool*): 1 device is connected, 0 device is disconnected. Returns bt_on, bt_touch, bt_link .. method:: enable_bt_upd_sensors() If bluetooth driver is enabled; enables the automatic update of all sensor values in the KW40Z bluetooth chip to be readable through any smartphone/tablet/pc bluetooth terminal. .. method:: disable_bt_upd_sensors() If bluetooth driver is enabled; disables the automatic update of all sensor values in the KW40Z bluetooth chip. .. method:: display_on() If color oled display is enabled; turns on the onboard display. .. method:: display_off() If color oled display is enabled; turns off the onboard display. .. method:: clear_display() If color oled display is enabled; clears the onboard display. .. method:: fill_screen(color, encode=True) If color oled display is enabled; fills the entire display with color code provided as argument. :param color: hex color code for the screen :param encode(*bool*): flag for enabling the color encoding; default True .. note:: The onboard color oled is a 65K color display, so if a stadard hex color code (24 bit) is provided it is necessary to encode it into a 16 bit format. If a 16 bit color code is provided, the encode flag must be set to False. .. method:: fill_rect(x, y, w, h, color, encode=True) If color oled display is enabled; draws a rectangular area in the screen colored with the color code provided as argument. :param x: x-coordinate for left high corner of the rectangular area :param y: y-coordinate for left high corner of the rectangular area :param w: width of the rectangular area :param h: height of the rectangular area :param color: hex color code for the ectangular area :param encode(*bool*): flag for enabling the color encoding; default True .. note:: The onboard color oled is a 65K color display, so if a stadard hex color code (24 bit) is provided it is necessary to encode it into a 16 bit format. If a 16 bit color code is provided, the encode flag must be set to False. .. method:: draw_image(image, x, y, w, h) If color oled display is enabled; draws a rectangular area in the screen colored with the color code provided as argument. :param image: image to draw in the oled display converted to hex array format and passed as bytearray :param x: x-coordinate for left high corner of the image :param y: y-coordinate for left high corner of the image :param w: width of the image :param h: height of the image .. note :: To obtain a converted image in hex array format, you can go and use this `online tool `_. After uploading your image, you can resize it setting the width and height fields; you can also choose the code format (HEX:0x recommended) and the color format (65K color for this display). Clicking on the "Get C string" button, the tool converts your image with your settings to a hex string that you can copy and paste inside a bytearray in your project and privide to this function. .. method:: draw_pixel(x, y, color, encode=True) If color oled display is enabled; draws a single pixel in the screen colored with the color code provided as argument. :param x: pixel x-coordinate :param y: pixel y-coordinate :param color: hex color code for the pixel :param encode(*bool*): flag for enabling the color encoding; default True .. note:: The onboard color oled is a 65K color display, so if a stadard hex color code (24 bit) is provided it is necessary to encode it into a 16 bit format. If a 16 bit color code is provided, the encode flag must be set to False. .. method:: draw_text(text, x=None, y=None, w=None, h=None, color=None, align=None, background=None, encode=True) If color oled display is enabled; prints a string inside a text box in the screen. :param text: string to be written in the display :param x: x-coordinate for left high corner of the text box; default None :param y: y-coordinate for left high corner of the text box; default None :param w: width of the text box; default None :param h: height of the text box; default None :param color: hex color code for the font; default None :param align: alignment of the text inside the text box (see the :ref:`lib.solomon.ssd1351 library ` for more detail); default None :param background: hex color code for the background; default None :param encode(*bool*): flag for enabling the color encoding of the font and background color; default True .. note:: The onboard color oled is a 65K color display, so if a stadard hex color code (24 bit) is provided it is necessary to encode it into a 16 bit format. If a 16 bit color code is provided, the encode flag must be set to False. .. note:: If only text argument is provided, an automatic text box is created with the following values: * x = 0 * y = 0 * w = min text width according to the font * h = max char height according to the font * color = 0xFFFFFF (black) * align = 3 (centered horizontally) * background = 0x000000 (white) .. method:: vibration(ms) Turns on the vibration motor for *ms* milliseconds. :param ms: motor vibration duration .. method:: leds_on() Turns on the rgb onboard led (white light). .. method:: leds_off() Turns off the rgb onboard led.