.. module:: mlx90615 ******** MLX90615 ******** The MLX90615 is an Infra Red thermometer for non contact temperature measurements from Melexis (http://www.melexis.com/Infrared-Thermometer-Sensors/Infrared-Thermometer-Sensors/MLX90615-685.aspx) The default communication protocol is I2C. To use this module create a MLX90615 instance by passing the I2C peripheral name to which it is connected to. Using the module is simple:: from melexis.mlx90615 import mlx90615 import streams streams.serial() mlx = mlx90615.MLX90615(I2C0) while True: print("Temperature:",mlx.temperature()) sleep(1000) ================ MLX90615 class ================ .. class:: MLX90615(drvname,clock=100000) Creates a MLX90615 instance using the MCU I2C circuitry *drvname* (one of I2C0, I2C1, ... check pinmap for details). The created instance is configured and ready to communicate. *clock* is configured by default in slow mode. MLX90615 inherits from i2c.I2C, therefore the method start() must be called to setup the I2C channel before any temperature can be read. .. method:: temperature() return the object temperature in Celsius. The object temperature is the temperature of the object the mlx90615 is pointing towards. .. method:: ambient() return the ambient temperature in Celsius. The ambient temperature is the temperature inside the MLX90615 package. .. method:: raw() return the raw infrared readings (signed, 16 bits).