.. module:: id20la ************* ID20LA Module ************* .. _datasheet: http://id-innovations.com/httpdocs/ID-serise%20HID-EM2013-6-7.pdf This module contains the Zerynth driver for ID-20LA RFID tag reader from ID Innovation. This is the ID-20LA, a very simple to use RFID reader module from ID Innovations. With a built in antenna, the only holdup is the 2mm pin spacing (breakout board available below). Power the module, hold up a 125kHz card, and get a serial string output containing the unique ID of the card. .. class:: ID20LA(serial_port, callback, read_timeout=100) Creates in instance of the ID20LA class. :param serial_port: Serial port to be used (RX only). (i.e. SERIAL2) :param callback: Callback to be called whenever a tag is read. :param read_timeout: Milliseconds to wait when polling sensor. (Default: 100) The serial communication is initialized using the specified serial port. The TX pin is not used since the communication is one-way only. The callback must take exactly one argument, which will be the 10-bytes bytearray read from the tag. It is suggested to put the ID-20LA in ASCII mode to be able to decode the 10 bytes as 10 characters, refer to datasheet for further informations. .. method:: stop() This method stops the reading from the sensor.