.. module:: polaris ************* Polaris Board ************* This module provides easy access to the Polaris board features and meaningful names for MCU pins and peripherals. .. class:: main Namespace for the **Main** connector signals and related peripherals: * ``PIN_VIN`` - analog input for main supply voltage * ``PIN_IGNITION`` - digital input for ignition detection (active high) * ``PIN_SOS`` - digital input for emergency button (active low) * ``PIN_AIN1``, ``PIN_RANGE_IN1`` - analog input 1 and range selection pin * ``PIN_AIN2``, ``PIN_RANGE_IN2`` - analog input 2 and range selection pin * ``PIN_AIN3``, ``PIN_RANGE_IN3`` - analog input 3 and range selection pin * ``PIN_AIN4``, ``PIN_RANGE_IN4`` - analog input 4 and range selection pin * ``PIN_IOEXP_IN1`` - control input 1 for I/O Expander * ``PIN_IOEXP_IN2`` - control input 2 for I/O Expander * ``ADC_VIN`` - ADC channel (using ``PIN_VIN``) * ``ADC_IN1`` - ADC channel (using ``PIN_AIN1``) * ``ADC_IN2`` - ADC channel (using ``PIN_AIN2``) * ``ADC_IN3`` - ADC channel (using ``PIN_AIN3``) * ``ADC_IN4`` - ADC channel (using ``PIN_AIN4``) * ``PWM_IOEXP_IN1`` - PWM control input 1 for I/O Expander * ``PWM_IOEXP_IN2`` - PWM control input 2 for I/O Expander .. class:: mikrobus Namespace for the **mikroBUS** expansion interface signals and related peripherals: * ``PIN_MISO``, ``PIN_MOSI``, ``PIN_SCK``, ``PIN_CS`` - expansion SPI interface * ``PIN_SDA``, ``PIN_SCL`` - expansion I2C interface * ``PIN_TX``, ``PIN_RX`` - expansion UART pins * ``PIN_RST``, ``PIN_INT`` - general purpose I/O pins (usually reset and interrupt) * ``PIN_PWM`` - PWM capable pin * ``PIN_AN`` - analog input pin * ``SERIAL`` - serial driver (using ``PIN_RX``,``PIN_TX``) * ``SPI`` - SPI driver (using ``PIN_MISO``, ``PIN_MOSI``, ``PIN_SCK``) * ``I2C`` - I2C driver (using ``PIN_SDA``, ``PIN_SCL``) * ``PWM`` - PWM channel (using ``PIN_PWM``) * ``ADC`` - ADC channel (using ``PIN_AN``) .. class:: extbus Namespace for the **Ext-A** expansion interface signals and related peripherals: * ``PIN_GPIO1``, ``PIN_GPIO2`` - general purpose I/O pins * ``PIN_TX``, ``PIN_RX`` - expansion UART pins * ``PIN_PWM`` - PWM capable pin * ``PIN_AN1`` - analog input pin * ``PIN_DAC1``, ``PIN_DAC1`` - analog pins * ``SERIAL`` - serial driver (using ``PIN_RX``,``PIN_TX``) * ``PWM`` - PWM channel (using ``PIN_PWM``) * ``ADC`` - ADC channel (using ``PIN_AN1``) .. class:: internal Namespace for on-board devices signals and peripherals: * ``PIN_LED_RED``, ``PIN_LED_GREEN`` - LED control pins (active low) * ``PIN_POWER_DIS`` - main power control pin (shutdown) * ``PIN_5V_EN`` - control pin for 5V regulator * ``PIN_BATT_EN`` - backup battery status pin * ``PIN_IOEXP_CS`` - I/O Expander chip-select pin * ``PIN_ACCEL_CS``, ``PIN_ACCEL_INT`` - accelerometer chip-select and interrupt pins * ``PIN_CHARGE_PROG``, ``PIN_CHARGE_STAT`` - backup battery charger control and status pins * ``PIN_BATT_ADC`` - analog input for backup battery voltage * ``SPI`` - on-board SPI driver (for accelerometer and I/O Expander) * ``ADC_BATT`` - ADC channel (using ``PIN_BATT_ADC``) .. class:: gnss Namespace for GNSS module signals and related peripherals: * ``PIN_STANDBY``, ``PIN_RESET`` - module control pins * ``PIN_TX``, ``PIN_RX`` - module UART pins * ``PIN_ANTON`` - control pin (used only in the NB-IoT variant with BG96) * ``SERIAL`` - serial driver (using ``PIN_RX``,``PIN_TX``) .. class:: gsm Namespace for Modem signals and related peripherals: * ``PIN_TX``, ``PIN_RX`` - modem UART pins * ``PIN_POWER``, ``PIN_KILL``, ``PIN_WAKE`` - modem control pins * ``PIN_STATUS``, ``PIN_RING`` - modem status pins * ``SERIAL`` - serial driver (using ``PIN_RX``,``PIN_TX``) .. function:: init() Performs required initializion of Polaris pins and common functionalities. It should be called at the start of your application. .. function:: isBatteryBackup() Returns a boolean value to indicate whether the board is powered from the backup battery source. .. function:: setBatteryCharger(enable) Enables or disables the backup battery charger (5V required). :note: Do not enable the charger when the main power supply is not present .. function:: getChargerStatus() Returns the battery charger status (not charging, charging or fully charged). :returns: One of these values: ``CHARGE_NONE`` = 0, ``CHARGE_BUSY`` = 1, ``CHARGE_COMPLETE`` = 2 .. function:: getIgnitionStatus() Reads the ignition status from digital input pin IGN/DIO5 (active high). :returns: An integer value to indicate whether the ignition switch is on/off: ``IGNITION_ON`` = 1 or ``IGNITION_OFF`` = 0 .. function:: getEmergencyStatus() Reads the emergency button status from digital input pin SOS/DIO6 (active low). :returns: An integer value to indicate whether the emergency button is switched on/off: ``SOS_ON`` = 1 or ``SOS_OFF`` = 0 .. function:: shutdown() Disables the main regulator or backup battery source, effectively power-cycling the board. .. function:: readMainVoltage() Returns the analog measure of the main supply voltage. .. function:: readMainVoltage() Returns the analog measure of the backup battery voltage. .. function:: readAnalogInputVoltage(pin_num, range=HIGH) Returns the voltage measure of an analog input pin on the **Main** connector. :param pin_num: Index of the analog pin (0-3 = corresponds to AIO1-4) :param range: Full-scale range: *HIGH* (0-36V) or *LOW* (0-5V) .. function:: ledRedOff() Switch the red LED off. .. function:: ledRedOn() Switch the red LED on. .. function:: ledGreenOff() Switch the green LED off. .. function:: ledGreenOn() Switch the green LED on.