.. _zdm-cmd-gates-alarm: Alarm gates =========== List of commands: * :ref:`Create ` * :ref:`Update alarm ` * :ref:`List alarm gates ` .. _zdm-cmd-gates-alarm-create Create alarm gate ----------------- To create a new alarm gate (notifications about opened and closed conditions by devices) use the command: :: zdm gate alarm create name workspace_id threshold email tag(s) where :samp:`name` is the name of the gate :samp:`workspace_id` is the uid of the workspace in which you want to monitor condition :samp:`threshold` is a int representing the minimum duration of a condition to be notified :samp:`email` is the email where you want to receive notifications :samp:`tag(s)` is a list of tags to filter on conditions labels .. _zdm-cmd-gates-alarm-update Update alarm gate ----------------- To update an alarm gate use the command: :: zdm gate alarm update gate_id you can change gate's configuration using the following options: :: * :option:`--name` to change the gate's name * :option:`--tag` (multiple option) to replace gate's tag array * :option:`--threshold` to change the gate's threshold .. _zdm-cmd-gates-alarm-get-all: List export gates ----------------- To see a list of your alarm gates use the command: :: zdm gate alarm all workspace_id where :samp:`workspace_id` is the uid of the workspace You also have the possibility to add filters on gates using the following options: * :option:`--status active|disabled` to filter on gate's status