.. _ztc-cmd-misc: Miscellanea =========== Non specific commands are grouped in this section. .. _ztc-cmd-linter: Linter ------ Not documented yet. Info ---- The :command:`info` command displays information about the status of the ZTC. It takes the following options (one at a time): * :option:`--version` display the current version of the ZTC. * :option:`--fullversion` display the current version of the ZTC together with current update. * :option:`--devices` display the list of supported devices currently installed. * :option:`--tools` display the list of available ZTC tools. A ZTC tool is a third party program used to accomplish a particular task. For example the gcc compiler for various architecture is a ZTC tool. * :option:`--modules` display the list of installed Zerynth libraries that can be imported in a Zerynth program. * :option:`--examples` display the list of installed examples gathered from all the installed libraries. * :option:`--vms target` display the list of virtual machines in the current installation for the specified :samp:`target` * :option:`--messages` display the list of unread system messages Clean ----- The :command:`clean` command behave differently based on the following options: * :option:`--tmp` if given clears the temporary folder. * :option:`--inst version` can be repeated multiple times and removes a previous installed :samp:`version` of Zerynth * :option:`--db` if given forgets all devices (clears all devices from database).