.. module:: socket ******* Sockets ******* This module provides access to an almost complete BSD socket interface. However, some behaviour may be dependent on the underlying network driver. The following constants are defined: * For socket families: AF_INET, AF_INET6, AF_CAN * For socket types: SOCK_STREAM, SOCK_DGRAM, SOCK_RAW * For socket options: SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, SO_REUSEADDR IPv4 addresses can be passed to functions and methods in the following forms: * string, e.g. "" * tuple, e.g. (192,168,1,10) * tuple of ip and port, e.g. ("",8080) * tuple of ip and port, e.g. (192,168,1,10,8080) if a port is required but not given, it is set to zero. .. method:: ip_to_tuple() Return a tuple of four integers from a ip address of the form "x.y.z.w". ================ The socket class ================ .. class:: socket(family=AF_INET, type=SOCK_STREAM, proto=IPPROTO_TCP, fileno=None) This class represents a BSD socket. Raise :data:`__builtins__.IOError` exceptions if socket creation goes wrong. Sockets can be used like this:: # import the socket module import socket # import a module to access a net driver (wifi, eth,...) from wireless import wifi # import the actual net driver from driver.wifi.your_preferred_net_driver import your_preferred_net_driver # init the driver your_preferred_net_driver.init() # link the wifi to an AP wifi.link("Your Wifi SSID",WIFI_WPA2,"Your Wifi Password") # create a tcp socket sock = socket.socket(type=SOCK_STREAM) # connect the socket to net address on port 5555 sock.connect(("",5555)) # send something on the socket! sock.sendall("Hello World!") .. method:: fileno() Return an integer identifying the underlying socket number. .. method:: connect(address) Tries to connect the underlying socket (tcp or udp) to *address*. A tcp socket must be connected to be used successfully. Udp sockets are connectionless and everytime a datagram is sent, the receiver address must be specified (:meth:`.sendto`). However if an udp socket is connected to an address, it can be used with methods like :meth:`.recv` and :meth:`.send` without specifying a receiver address. When an udp socket is connected to *address*, datagram packets coming from addresses different from *address* are ignored. .. method:: close() Closes the underlying socket. No more input/output operations are possible. .. method:: recv(bufsize,flags=0) Reads at most *bufsize* bytes from the underlying socket. It blocks until *bufsize* bytes are received or an error occurs. Returns a bytearray containing the received bytes. .. method:: recv_into(buffer,bufsize=-1,flags=0) Reads at most *bufsize* bytes from the underlying socket into *buffer*. It blocks until *bufsize* bytes are received or an error occurs. Returns the number of received bytes. .. method:: recvfrom(bufsize,flags=0) Reads at most *bufsize* bytes from the underlying udp socket. It blocks until a datagram is received. Returns a tuple (*data*, *address*) where *data* is a bytearray containing the received bytes and *address* is the net address of the sender. .. method:: recvfrom_into(buffer,bufsize=-1,flags=0) Reads at most *bufsize* bytes from the underlying udp socket into *buffer*. It blocks until a datagram is received. If *bufsize* is not given or is less than 0, *bufsize* is set to len(buffer). Returns a tuple (*rd*, *address*) where *rd* is the number of bytes received and *address* is the net address of the sender. .. method:: send(buffer,flags=0) Send data to the socket. The socket must be connected to a remote socket. Returns the number of bytes sent. Applications are responsible for checking that all data has been sent; if only some of the data was transmitted, the application needs to attempt delivery of the remaining data. .. method:: sendall(buffer,flags=0) Send all data to the socket. The socket must be connected to a remote socket. Unlike send(), this method continues to send data from bytes until either all data has been sent or an error occurs. *None* is returned on success. On error, an exception is raised, and there is no way to determine how much data, if any, was successfully sent. .. method:: sendto(buffer,address,flags=0) Send data to the socket. The socket should not be connected to a remote socket, since the destination socket is specified by address. Return the number of bytes sent .. method:: settimeout(timeout) Set a timeout on blocking socket operations. The *timeout* argument can be a nonnegative integer number expressing milliseconds, or *None*. If a non-zero value is given, subsequent socket operations will raise a timeout exception if the timeout period value has elapsed before the operation has completed. If zero is given, the socket is put in non-blocking mode. If None is given, the socket is put in blocking mode. .. method:: bind(address) Binds the socket to *address*. *address* can be: * an integer representing a port number. In this case ip is set to the local one * an ip address with a port A tcp socket needs binding when it is used to accept incoming connection (e.g. a http server socket). A udp socket needs to be bound before any input/output operation. After binding, the udp socket will receive every packet incoming to *address*. .. method:: listen(maxlog=2) Enables listening on the underlying tcp socket. A tcp socket in listening state can be used as a server socket to accept incoming connection. *maxlog* specifies the maximum number of waiting connections. .. method:: accept() Blocks until an incoming connection is made on the underlying tcp socket. Returns a tuple (*sock*, *address*) where *sock* is a socket stream that can be used to communicate with the client and *address* is the client address. Here is an example of tcp server socket:: # import the socket module import socket # import a module to access a net driver (wifi, eth,...) from wireless import wifi # import the actual net driver from driver.wifi.your_preferred_net_driver import your_preferred_net_driver # init the driver your_preferred_net_driver.init() # link the wifi to an AP wifi.link("Your Wifi SSID",WIFI_WPA2,"Your Wifi Password") # create a tcp socket sock = socket.socket(type=SOCK_STREAM) # bind the socket to port 80 sock.bind(80) # set the socket in listening mode sock.listen() while True: # accept incoming connections from clients client,addr = sock.accept() # send something to the client and close client.sendall("Hello!") client.close()