.. module:: fifo **** Fifo **** This module implements no thread-safe fifo queues. A fifo queue behaves in such a way that the first element inserted in the queue is also the first element to be removed (first in, first out). ========== Fifo class ========== .. class:: Fifo(size=16,only_bytes=False) Create a Fifo instance with *size* "places" for items. If *only_bytes* is True, the Fifo will use a bytearray to store bytes; if False it will use a list. .. method:: is_full() Return True if the fifo is full .. method:: is_empty() Return True if the fifo is empty .. method:: put(obj) Insert *obj* into the fifo queue. Raise *FifoFullError* if the fifo is full. .. method:: get() Get an object out of the fifo queue. Raise *FifoEmptyError* if the fifo is empty. .. method:: peek() Return the object at the head of the fifo queu without removing it. Raise *FifoEmptyError* if the fifo is empty. .. method:: put_all(objs) Put every item of *objs* into the fifo queue. .. method:: elements() Return the number of items in the queue. .. method:: clear() Clear the fifo by removing all elements