.. module:: fatfs ***** fatFS ***** This module implements Zerynth binding to `FatFS C library `_ to handle FAT disks. ====== Driver ====== .. function:: mount(path, args) Register/unregister a file system object to the fatFs module. There is no activity of the physical drive in this function: physical mount process will be attempted during first file access. Required arguments are: * path string, following FatFS path convention:: path = "0:/" # to mount your drive as volume 0 generic_file_path = "0:/my/file/path" * args dictionary containing disk initialization parameters:: # correct format for SD Card read through SPI protocol args = {"drv": SPI0, "cs": D25, "clock": 1000000} # correct format for SD Card read through SD mode # (be careful in choosing frequency (kHz) and bits supported by your board) args = {"drv": SD1, "freq_khz": 20000, "bits": 1} ================================ File/Directory Access/Management ================================ File/Directory access/management is handled by os module, which needs a filesystem to be mounted and a list of low-level functions implemented in the filesystem module. * File Access * __f_open * __f_close * __f_read * __f_write * __f_seek * __f_size * __f_tell * __f_truncate * __f_eof * Directory Access * __f_opendir * __f_closedir * __f_readdir * File/Directory Management * __f_copy * __f_unlink * __f_rename * __f_mkdir * __f_chdir * __f_getcwd * __f_exists * __f_isdir * Misc * get_available_fd_n * free_fd_n * to_b_mode