.. module:: ecc *************************** Elliptic Curve Cryptography *************************** This module offer cryptographic primitives based on Elliptic Curves. In particular it provides key generation and validation, signing, and verifying, for the following curves: * secp160r1 * secp192r1 (NISTP192) * secp224r1 (NISTP224) * secp256r1 (NISTP256) * secp256k1 (used by Bitcoin) For an awesome introduction to ECC check `here `_. For an online ECC calculator check `here `_ The module is based on `MicroECC `_ patched with functions to enable public key recovery (mainly for blockchain applications). The module defines the following constants defining curves: * :samp:`SECP160R1` * :samp:`SECP192R1` * :samp:`SECP224R1` * :samp:`SECP256R1` * :samp:`SECP256K1` .. function:: make_keys(curve) Return a tuple of two elements. The first element is a byte object containing the uncompressed representation of the generated public key. The second element is a byte object containing the representation of the generated public key. *curve* specifies the curve to use This function uses the random number generator provided by the VM. For real world usage and enhanced security the random number generator must be of cryptographic quality (generally implemented in hardware). .. function:: check_public_key(curve,pbkey) Return :samp:`True` if *pbkey* (in uncompressed format) is a valid public key for *curve*. .. function:: derive_public_key(curve,pvkey) Return a byte object containing the uncompressed representation of the public key matching *pvkey* for curve *curve*. Raise :samp:`ValueError` if derivation is not possible. .. function:: compress_key(curve, key) Return a compressed representation of *key*. .. function:: decompress_key(curve, key) Return a uncompressed representation of *key*. .. function:: verify(curve, message, signature, pbkey) Return :samp:`True` if *signature* is a valid signature for message *message* given *curve* and a public key *pbkey*. .. function:: sign(curve, message, pvkey, deterministic = False, recoverable = False) Return the signature of *message* with *pvkey* for curve *curve*. Usually the message to sign is not the entire message but a hash of it. The *deterministic* parameter, if given, creates a deterministic signature according to `RFC6979 `_ . If given, the *deterministic* parameter must be an instance of a hash class from module :samp:`crypto.hash`. Deterministic signatures are not dependent on a good random number generator for their security and can therefore be used in hardware without such capabilities. If *recoverable* is given and True, the returned object is a tuple such that the first element is the recovery id and the second element is the signature. The recovery id is a parameter that can be used to derive the public key from a just a valid signature. For more info refer to `this paper `_.