.. module:: suntime *********************** Sunrise and sunset time *********************** Approximated calculation of sunrise and sunset time. Adapted from https://github.com/SatAgro/suntime. .. attention:: This module relays on the availability of ``round()`` as Zerynth's builtins. Currently, there is a pull requests for it: * `core-zerynth-stdlib#3 `_ Class methods ------------- .. class:: Sun(latitude, longitude) Arguments *latitude* and *longitude* are floats representing the coordinates of a place on Earth. .. method:: get_sunrise_time(year, month, day) Calculate the sunrise time for the given date. It returns a tuple of integers ``(hour, minute)`` in UTC time or ``None`` if sun doesn't raise on that location at the given date. .. method:: get_sunset_time(year, month, day) Calculate the sunset time for the given date. It returns a tuple of integers ``(hour, minute)`` in UTC time or ``None`` if sun doesn't set on that location at the given date. Examples of usage ----------------- This example calculates sunrise and sunset of three major cities:: import suntime test('suntime: example') Rome = suntime.Sun( 41.902782 , 12.496366 ) Warsaw = suntime.Sun( 51.21 , 21.01 ) CapeTown = suntime.Sun(-33.9252192, 18.4240762) dt1 = (2000, 1, 1) sr1 = Rome.get_sunrise_time(*dt1) # (6, 38) ss1 = Rome.get_sunset_time (*dt1) # (15, 49) print('Rome:', sr1, ss1) dt2 = (2014, 10, 3) sr2 = Warsaw.get_sunrise_time(*dt2) # (4, 39) ss2 = Warsaw.get_sunset_time (*dt2) # (16, 10) print('Warsaw:', sr2, ss2) dt3 = (2016, 12, 21) sr3 = CapeTown.get_sunrise_time(*dt3) # (3, 32) ss3 = CapeTown.get_sunset_time (*dt3) # (17, 57) print('Cape Town:', sr3, ss3) If :mod:`datetime` module is available, results above can be expressed in local time:: import datetime as datetimelib timedelta = datetimelib.timedelta timezone = datetimelib.timezone datetime = datetimelib.datetime utc = timezone.utc tz1 = timezone(timedelta(hours=1)) tz2 = timezone(timedelta(hours=3)) tz3 = timezone(timedelta(hours=2)) # https://www.timeanddate.com/sun/italy/rome?month=1&year=2000 print('Rome:') rt1 = datetime(*dt1, *sr1, tzinfo=utc).astimezone(tz1) # 2000-01-01 07:38:00+01:00 st1 = datetime(*dt1, *ss1, tzinfo=utc).astimezone(tz1) # 2000-01-01 16:49:00+01:00 print('>', rt1) print('>', st1) # https://www.timeanddate.com/sun/poland/warsaw?month=10&year=2014 print('Warsaw:') rt2 = datetime(*dt2, *sr2, tzinfo=utc).astimezone(tz2) # 2014-10-03 07:39:00+03:00 st2 = datetime(*dt2, *ss2, tzinfo=utc).astimezone(tz2) # 2014-10-03 19:10:00+03:00 print('>', rt2) print('>', st2) # https://www.timeanddate.com/sun/south-africa/cape-town?month=12&year=2016 print('Cape Town:') rt3 = datetime(*dt3, *sr3, tzinfo=utc).astimezone(tz3) # 2016-12-21 05:32:00+02:00 st3 = datetime(*dt3, *ss3, tzinfo=utc).astimezone(tz3) # 2016-12-21 19:57:00+02:00 print('>', rt3) print('>', st3)